"Be yourself," I said sarcastically.

It's Harry's turn to roll his eyes, "Whatever, glad you didn't fuck it up." He exits the web application and shuts the laptop down. "Call Lance and have him take you home."

And I did. I didn't speak to him again until he called me the next afternoon to confirm the date of my upcoming ultrasound, then not again until almost a week later, which was when I stopped at the studio to pick up the check today. We hadn't been seen out in public which was fine because the news had died down, but Harry wanted to make sure our plan went through as foolproof as possible especially since Quinn has been scheduling interviews as well. So tonight, he wanted to take me to the county fair. He'd take a few pictures and have his publicist post them on burner accounts.

Jane had also told us that the light that was shone on us was a good time for Harry to expand his clientele, which is why they were milking the shit out of it in my opinion.

Outside of that, we kept our distance and as long as my body continued to betray me by heating up each time we got into an argument and he'd clench his jaw or roll his eyes, I was okay with it.

I read the payment on the check, ensuring that it was in fact fifteen thousand dollars. I still couldn't believe I was holding this much money in my hand but I hid my excitement and told myself I wouldn't entirely freak until I had it in my account.

"He's old-fashioned," I answered Jenny sarcastically as we approached the teller, who quickly helped me. Jenny drummed her fingers on the granite counter as she waited.

"So, what are you gonna do with the money? Shopping spree?" She asked.

Honestly, I intended on giving some of it to Niall to help pay off the bracelet I put on his credit. And then, I wanted to do grocery shopping. I had in mind to buy some new furniture but it seemed that Harry had already done it. I was assuming that's why he had me stay at his place for those few days but I didn't know if it was out of the goodness of his heart or if he had another reason. I was still quite suspicious that he was left alone with Danny and I hadn't heard from him.

So I went against my instincts and checked his social media pages, seeing that he'd posted a throwback selfie just a day prior. Harry must have scared him off.

When the woman behind the counter tells me I should see the money instantly, I'm checking my account whilst we walk out and enter the spring air, grinning to myself when I see the balance. Maybe some shopping wouldn't hurt.

Jenny and I drove to the mall nearby and wasted no time visiting store to store. I brought a few shirts but decided against jeans. While I could still fit into my clothes (with a little bloating), I wanted to wait until after Bean and baby two because I had no idea what size I'd be then.

"So, what are you wearing to the fair tonight?" Jenny wonders as we push a few hangers back at the crowded Old Navy.

In all honesty, I wasn't really looking forward to hanging out with Harry alone. So, I made no effort to plan what I'd wear, how I'd style my hair, or anything for that matter.

"I guess I should find something here,"

"Well it'll be a little warm tonight, do you wanna wear a dress?"

"Fuck no," I laughed and shook my head.

"That man has like...a million followers. A million people are gonna see those pictures and not to mention-" She points a finger at me with lifted brows "- Celebrities...Pharrell follows him. Did you know that?"

I roll my eyes at her theatrics. I doubt Pharell Williams will give a shit what I look like...but she kind of has a point.

If I'm going to be shown to such a wide audience I should at least look decent. God knows I'll be pissed if I'm posted and looking a mess.

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