Killer Queen [Giyushino]

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TW: Implied Killing

There was a normal sweet highschool girl... She was pretty and loved by many. With her black hair fading to a beautiful purple, amethyst eyes that shimmer and most importantly her sweet smile. She was also quite rich, her parents being a very influential doctors

Shinobu Kocho was her name.

Everyone adored her. She was always helping people if they have hard time understanding certain subjects. She also is quite athletic, not to mention her angelic voice. She was a beautiful fluttering butterfly

Tho what was said is true...there is also something weird going on with was weirdly terrifying..

Each and every week she dates different students only for them to disappear without a trace.. No one knows where they have went..not only that these lost students suddenly comes back 2 days before disappearance and has acted as it they didn't just disappear

Nobody question this weird behavior tho..

Why? You may ask

Well.. because this is Shinobu.. She's an angel


"Ne, Tomioka-san" Shinobu said sweetly as she smiled at her blue-eyed classmate

"What is it, Kocho?" Giyu turned to Shinobu's direction raising a brow

"Are you perhaps going to prom?" She asks excitedly, only for her frown when she saw Giyu shrug and let me tell you when Giyu Tomioka shrugs that means he's prolly never going. Shinobu grumbled,

"C'mon Tomioka-san, it'll be fun!!" Shinobu spoke cheerfully but Giyu knew better...If he wouldn't come, she would pester him until he does..

Honestly she was more of a mosquito than a butterfly..

Tho like a mosquito would take away people's blood...That night of prom will be full with it



I didn't continue because I didn't like where it was going :]

It's just not my cup of tea but uhh yah :)

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