Isaac: Roz!!

Isaac sprung up and slammed his blade upward and cut through the Plague Doctor's mask and some of his hat. The Plague Doctor dropped his grip and stepped away from the two professional huntsmen. Some red hair could be seen along with pale skin. Both look at the doctor until he pulls his hat down and teleports out of the hallway.

Isaac and Roz stand there in some shock. He places a hand on shoulder.

Isaac: You good?

Roz: Yeah...yeah I'm good.

She sheaths her blade and cracks her neck a little.

Roz: Come on. We need to find the others.

Isaac nods and places his sword onto his back. He runs down the hall a little and stops suddenly.

Isaac: Dont think that will be a problem.

Roz steps out and gasps. Down the entire hall is a mass amount of destruction. Broken lamps, smashed walls and more. There was also a dead trooper or two along the walls as well.

Roz: Come on.

Isaac: Wait!

Roz: What?

Isaac ran to some of the pillars and opened a small bag. From it, he pulled out three little explosives and planted them along the wall. Roz stepped over and looked them over.

Isaac: The Wolf Tribe loaded us with these type of explosives. Same used to break out Mason and Evie.

Roz: C-1000s. I'm familiar. Lavender...

Isaac: Kristal? That crazy chick, what about...

Isaac glanced back and saw the hurt in Roz's eyes. He placed a hand on her shoulder, getting her to look up at him.

Isaac: We'll make sure it doesn't happen again. Ok?

Roz nodded a little, whipping off the little tear from her eye. Isaac smiled and began to run down the hallway. Roz took a deep breath and ran after him.

Elsewhere in the tower, SSMR, Elsa and Bazaar are inside a small courtyard. Magnus and Regen are both panting as Bazaar and Elsa and scanning the different hallways.

Magnus: How...did we...lose it?

Regen: I dont know. But it's gone.

Solomon: Better not to ask if I'm being honest.

Elsa: Doesn't matter. Stonewall, how close are we to that main reactor.

Stonewall: Down the east corridor and a flight of stairs.

Elsa: Good. Load the charges up here and make sure you have enough to move on.

The four huntsmen nodded and began to load up explosives around the area. Soon, the six walk into a large reactor room. They all glance around in some awe.

Magnus: This is like an Atlas style set up.

Elsa: Know it by heart?

Magnus: Not Not at all.

Elsa: Plant charges there, there, there and there.

Elsa points to the targets as the four boys run over to secure the charges. Regen places a charge but is shot in the hand.

Stonewall: Regen!

Regen rolls out of the way as Falkan is on an upper balcony. She cocks her rifle and fires a few rounds as Solomon and Bazzar. Regen, Solomon and Bazaar take cover together. Before Elsa can engage, Kamen jumps down from the balcony and draws his sword. Elsa blocks with her blade and Kamen flips over her. Kamen spins and slashes, pushing Elsa back into the reactor core room. Falkan continues to keep SSMR and Bazaar pinned down. After four shots, Regen grunts a loads a rocket into his launcher.

Team FLME Volume 9जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें