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"Hanma right?" I questioned

"yes darling that's me, I knew you would never forget your amazing neighbour" Hanma gleamed

"actually your not so amazing"

His smile soon faded as if I just said his hair looked like a bannana split gone wrong, which it did.

He moved to the side revealing a man with a pink mullet,

The pink haired man smirked and stood beside Hanma,

"His names Sanzu..anyway goodbye~"Hanma walked to his house,which was next to mine.

Leaving me with Sanzu.

"hey.." Watching as he placed something onto his tongue

He noticed me looking and winked at me,

Walking past me he went to the living room,


I was cut off by Sanzu.

"have you packed yet?" He asked while looking at a painting on the wall.

"packed?" I repeated

Sanzu let out a soft chuckle,

"boss want's you to stay in the main house" he informed


"Mhm, now go pack some clothes. chop chop"

I let out a sigh before going upstairs to pack,

I practicaly packed all of my clothes, still wondering why im doing it.

Going back downstairs i seen Sanzu tip a whole sachet of....whatever it was into his hand.

"whats that?" I asked while carrying a bag in my hand,

"Mmm drugs, maybe" He tells me as he puts the pills in his mouth.

"c'mon" he takes the bag of me and walks out the house

leaving me shocked.

Eventually i followed him towards a small park,

"I-i should leave actually," I stutter

But before I could get my bag from his clutch a car swerved right in front of us both

"yup definitely getting kidnapped now.." I look back at the park.

I  felt the warmth of a hand pick me up by my waist and being placed over someones shoulder,

I punched  the mans back and kicked his sides but he never put me down.

"ow you little bitch!" the man hissed,

Sanzu was behind me and he just smirked and waved,

The man placed me  down in the passenger seat and then he  sat beside me,

while Sanzu sat at the back with my bag.

"RiNdOu Go HeLp SaNzU fOr Me, he said, iT'll bE fInE,he said. FUCKING LIAR!" The figure sat besside me shouted as he tapped his fingers on the steering-wheel

"Rindou atleast say hello to the little angel" Sanzu spoke struggling not to laugh.

"No thanks druggie..tskk" Rindou told Sanzu as he began driving Recklesly, very recklesly.

It took 20 minutes to get to the desired destination, that looked like it was in the centre of Tokyo.

Both men had got out of the car and so did I.

I looked up to see a massive mansion,

It was black with big silver gates infront,

The two walked inside.

So i decided to follow them,

Little did I know the most childish person owned it.

On the inside the colour theme was black,white and silver.atre

I almost slipped on the marble floor while walking with wherever Sanzu was taking me,

Rindou had walked of somwhere when we walked in.

Sanzu had taken me into what looks like a living room.

The couches was white, the cusions were black with a silver pattern.

"take a seat " A familiar voice spoke

I sat down and looked at black, glossy marble floor.

"Y/n!... you came!" someone screamed from behind me,

I turned to see MIkey giving me the biggest smile.

"have you ate?" He asked

I noded even though i didn't eat due to unexpected visiters

"ah okay, let's be friends also do you like the house?!" He chimmed as he sat beside me.

"yeah, the house is really nice" I answered not telling a single lie.

"Great! I'll tell Kakucho you liked his design idea, he'd love to meet you!" Mikey explained.

"I'd love to meet who?" a black haired male asked,

He looks adorable!-I tell myself

"Y/n, she said the house looks very nice" Mikey explained to the man.

"so your the girl Mikey has been blabbering about since he got back, and thankyou im glad you like the house. The names Kakucho Hitto"

"can I tell you...you look so adorable" I told him

A cover of blush covered his cheekes as he stood up and excused himself.

"RINDOU!" Mikey yelled standing up on the floor.

Rindou came walking  in the room,

"take Y/n to her room also be nice to her, she's my new friend" Mikey warned Rindou

I stood up and followed Rindou up the stairs,

the air around him seemed thick and deadly so I chose not to talk to him.

He halted at a door and I just looked at him,

"you look like a jellyfish ya know" I laughed

"and you look like your asking me to shoot you dead" He gave a death smile

"I'd be honured but it's to late so it'd be a waste since it won't affect me much, due to the fact im tired and all. you'd just be putting me to sleep forever" I gave a soft smile back.

"Ow you wanna go?!" He grabbed a gun from his jacket

"I already dislike you..man im not signing up for real life GTA. you know since you like 'big boy' games and stuff why don't you go annoy a football?"I asked

He just walked away cursing everything which made me laugh.

I walked in the room and lay on the bed, instantly falling asleep.

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