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Shahana's POV:

Hi, I'm Shahana, a girl who never did anything own in her life. Every decision was taken by me on behalf of my mother, be it choosing my school subjects or hobbies.

But, on my 22nd birthday, I took a decision of my end my life.

(She enters the bathtub with a cake and knife. She blows the candle, wishing herself happy birthday and slits her wrist with the knife)

Shahana's POV ends

Shahana was sitting on the hospital bed with her wrist bandaged. Supriya glared at her while the doctor explained everything.

Doctor: Fortunately, the knife was not sharp, so she was saved. There is nothing to worry about now.

The doctor left and Shahana started seeing everywhere except her mother.

Supriya: Stop acting now. What did you think while attempting suicide? Did you have any valid reason for ending your life? I have given you everything.

Shahana looked down. It was useless arguing with her mother.

Supriya: Your dad has spoiled you. If you had listened to me, you would have become either Sania Mirza or Saina Nehwal by now.

Her phone ringed suddenly. It was Sanjeev.

Sanjeev: I'm near the reception, should I do the payment or you will do it?

Supriya: You do it.

Sanjeev: OK.

He cut the phone.

Supriya: As I was saying.........

Her phone ringed again.

Sanjeev: I wanted to know if I should make the payment by cash or card.

Supriya: Use the card.

Sanjeev: Ok

She cut the phone but as she opened her mouth to speak, it ringed again.

Supriya: Now what is it?

Sanjeev: Should I make the bill in your name or Shahana's name.

Supriya was irritated by his useless questions.

Supriya: It will be better if I go there aur you will make me mad by your questions.

She left to the reception angrily.

As soon as she left, Sanjeev enter the cabin.

Shahana: You were here all the while! Then why did you lie to mom?

Sanjeev: If I hadn't lied to her, she would have scolded my poor daughter more.

Both of them laugh at Shahana's mother.


Prerna was worried for her children. Ajay had come in the morning to remind them to pay back his money or he would think everything they had.

Aryan was working hard to collect the money to give him back but Ajay had preponed the deadline. Prerna knew he had some hidden motive. It had come to light today.

Ajay wanted Aryan to marry his daughter Aisha. He had offered to cancel all the loans if they agreed to the marriage proposal.

But they didn't want the marriage to happen as Aisha was a spoilt brat and Aryan didn't like her.

Prerna had somehow managed situation by saying that their family had taken a oath to get Shalu married first.

Now Ajay was busy finding a suitable groom for Shalu.

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