Part 3

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Fear, concern.

His best friend, Suga. He texted him privately saying that he saw Kawa curling on his bed, sobbing. The reason wasn't clear enough for him to understand why his best friend is bawling his eyes out right now. Doesn't matter, he will find out why soon, and he will make the person pay for making him cry.

He grabbed his car keys and hopped into his red car, driving slightly over the limit, he reached the location in just a few minutes. Locking his car quickly, he rushed to the door and knocked on it. He can hear the sounds of small sobs and the smell of sour scent leaking out the doorframe. He knocked on the door again, getting impatient. Finally, some footsteps are getting closer to him and the door opened, showing an exhausted and concerned grey-haired omega.

He got into the apartment, Suga following him behind as they walked to the bedroom to find the brunette omega. He saw Kawa was curled up to a suit, smelling like it was from an Alpha's. He scowled, it must be that bastard again, Iwaizumi Hajime.

Anger, frustration.

He felt that as he watches his best friend, Kawa, cried while clutching that suit like someone was going to take it from him. The grip on Atsumu's fist clenching is so tight that all his knuckles turned white and fingers dug into his palms. He soon relaxed and tried to release his calming citrusy pheromones into the room, wanting to help his friend to stop crying.

He knocked on the door, he saw the brunette whimper as he looked at him. He smiled softly at him and asked. "Hey, Tooru. Can I come in? Do ya need me?" He asked this because he didn't want his friend to feel overwhelmed by a new scent invading his very own private nest. An omega's nest is a sensitive place for them, basically, a home.

The brunette nods, reaching an arm out to him and making a grabby motion as he pouts with his large brown eyes. Atsumu smiled and approached him, that's all he needs to understand what he was supposed to do right now. He wrapped his arms around the sobbing omega and tucked his head to Atsumu's neck, letting him inhale his calming pheromones more.

"Do ya want to talk about it?" he murmurs to Kawa's ear. The brunette shakes his head softly and he understood. "Alright, we'll wait fer ya to talk whenever ya is ready."

Suga crouched beside Atsumu, he smiled at the brunette, "Yeah, we'll wait for you. Don't worry, we are not going anywhere."

Kawa relaxed as Atsumu starts to scent him on the neck, whispering soft comforts to his ear. He went completely lax in the blonde's secure hold and took in a shaky breath before he starts to speak.

"Mmm...I'm okay to talk now, I'm ready."

Atsumu removed his grip slightly to look at his friend's snotty and wet face, he received a damp towel from Suga and wiped it gently on the brunette's face, cleaning him up. When he felt the other was completely ready to talk, he nods at the brown-haired omega.

"Okay, we're listening so, take yer time." He whispered softly to the brunette.

"Do you remember Iwa-chan?" They both nods, and he continued. "He.. he is back in Hyogo last week, and we have been contacting each other till last night." He sobbed softly again and Atsumu rubbed his hand on his back, calming him down. "He told me that.. he didn't want to meet with me anymore, saying that his job wasn't suitable for us to stay together." His tears start to roll down his cheeks and the blonde took in a shaky breath to push his anger away for now. He needs to take care of his friend, that jerk can die later.

"Did he say why was his job wasn't suitable fer ya guys to stay together?"

The brunette shook his head, "No, he didn't. But he did say that his job was dangerous and he can't always come back to me." He clutched the hem of the blonde's silky shirt tightly and looked up at him. "Atsu, do you think I'm not lovable? Why did he not trust me when I said I could wait for him?"

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