Update 3

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I have decided to redo Dream To Reality but as of right now I am working on a new story. The story is called The Roslynn Diaries. It is a story following the events in TVD but once that story is finished up I will work on the new version of Dream To Reality. Again I am so sorry for ending this version so abruptly but I won't be able to work on this ever again. It's time for this story to just come to an end and once I'm able to work on the new version I swear I will do my best to make it better than this one.

 It's time for this story to just come to an end and once I'm able to work on the new version I swear I will do my best to make it better than this one

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The new cover for Dream To Reality!!!!

Please go check out The Roslynn Diaries, I hope you can enjoy it while you wait for the new Dream To Reality

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Please go check out The Roslynn Diaries, I hope you can enjoy it while you wait for the new Dream To Reality. It's about a cursed girl named Roslynn who goes on this whirlwind adventure into the supernatural world with her friends.

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