Chapter 2

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Blake's lying on his bed, mindlessly bouncing a basketball off the ceiling. He's got less than a week to make the impossible happen.

He hears his phone ding and reaches over to pick it up.

Hey, did'ya pick up man slut yet? Luke's text asks him.

Blake quickly types back. Plan on doing it tomorrow. Don't have to call him that and hits SEND.


Blake puts his phone down and sighs, rubbing his face.

He's had a few girlfriends throughout high school. Nothing really serious, but fine while they lasted. Girls seemed happy as larks to be dating one of the popular football players, but pretty soon they wanted more than he was willing to get into, so they dropped it. The thought of starting a real relationship appealed to him though. He just always figured he'd wait until after school to get serious about it.

His thoughts drift back to Adam. He barely knows the guy. Nobody does. He's sure to get flat-out rejected the second he's even in viewing distance of him. Why should Adam talk to him, yet alone want to go to the dance with him, when Blake's done nothing but give him the cold shoulder like everybody else in the school?

No way in devil's hell is Adam going to say yes.

He's beginning to think this was the worst thing he's ever gotten into in his life.


It's funny how when Blake really starts paying attention to his surroundings the things he sees. He's gone nearly a whole semester without realizing he shares third period history with Adam. It's almost comical.

He's sitting on the other side of the room, on the end row, looking down at his lap. A dirty thought is about to run its way through Blake's mind when he realizes Adam is holding his phone, typing on the screen.

Blake catches Usher's eye from two rows over. He jerks a thumb towards Adam and mouths Did you know he was in here?

Usher's eyes scan the room then settle on Adam. He shrugs and shakes his head.

A senior basketball player, Danny O'Malley, walks in with two of his friends flanking him. Normally Blake wouldn't pay any attention to them except this time they're headed straight towards Adam. Danny bumps into Adam's desk, sending his stack of books flying.

"Watch it, faggot." He saunters off with nothing more than a laugh. A few others nearby giggle.

Blake can tell from the look on Adam's face that Danny wasn't the first person to ever mess with him on a regular basis. Blake can bet the kid's been living through hell. He doesn't exactly have the 'don't pick on me' vibe.

An hour's worth of Lewis and Clark and Sacagawea drags by. Meaningless shit, as Usher calls it. Blake normally enjoys history but today, he's right up there with him.

"Alright class, that's it for today. See you tomorrow."

Now is as good of time as any. Blake waits for the shuffling and noise to die down before he makes his way over to Adam's desk. He glances back to look for Usher, who thankfully already left. He doesn't want him to be there when Adam rejects his shitty proposal.

He clears his throat. "Um, Adam?"

The little guy jumps a bit, clearly not expecting anyone to talk to him. Blake's never been this close to him. He's got a good five inches on him and probably thirty pounds.

He looks at Blake dubiously. "Yeah?"

Suddenly Blake is at a loss for words. What do gay guys say to each other? He's staring right into a set of dark eyes that clearly want nothing to do with him. Then he remembers the bet, the nice sum of money he'll get if he manages to pull this off, the bragging rights, and he's back on track.

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