Chapter 2 - The brick wall

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The next day I woke up too early, at 5:56 a.m. Mum and dad were still sleeping. I waited in my bed for almost one hour before I got up. When I heard dad going down the stairs to the kitchen, I got dressed quickly with the clothes I chose yesterday. Just a ripped jeans and a dark green hoodie. I know I would look too Muggle but I didn't care too much. I went to the kitchen and sat with dad at the table. He was drinking a coffee. Mum came a bit later.
"Breakfast, y/n?"
"I'm not hungry", I answered. Then I went to the living room. I wanted to be alone for a while. Just to think. Was I really a wizard? Must I ask mum and dad how did they know about Hogwarts? Anyway, when they finished their breakfast, we wore our coats and left the house, to go to the Muggle railway station.
I was very quiet in the train. When we finally arrived in London after around one hour and a half, I was happy. I've never been many times in there, because we lived in a small village outside. We walked a bit and then we stopped behind a brick wall. I realized that we were in Diagon Alley.
"...y/n...", dad murmured. I actually didn't know what to do now. I hadn't got a wand yet. I approached the bricks carefully, and randomly touched one of them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2022 ⏰

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