Chapter 1 - The eagle, the badger, the snake and the lion

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In two days I will be 11. It was a quiet evening and I was home alone, reading an old book.
I saw something weird when I looked at the window. A big, white owl was coming, and it seemed she wanted to deliver something. Then I realized she was coming to me. I opened the window quickly, and she entered my room. A parchment letter was tied on her left foot. I took it carefully. On the back of it, I saw a red wax seal with an H in the middle, and at the four sides four animals. An eagle, a badger, a snake and a lion.
I opened the letter without ripping the parchment. On the top of the two papers that were inside, it had the same emblem with the wax seal.

"Dear Mrs y/n,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. Please be at the King's Cross Station, on 11:00 am that day, where you'll find the Hogwarts Express. We wait for your owl no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress"

I was too confused and too excited at the same time. I mean, of course I will go, but if it says no later than 31 July, why did the letter came two days before my birthday? Two days before the day I'll go there? And actually, how can I be a wizard? Mum and dad are Muggles. But..., why am I talking about that? Hogwarts is the most famous Wizarding School in the world and I'm accepted. Like... Genius!! Furthermore, Harry Potter is a student there. I mean, now he's around 15.

I heard the key opening the door realizing that mum and dad returned. I took a deep breath and went downstairs with the letter.
"Hi mum...! Hi dad...!", I said.
"Is it alright, darling?", dad answered.
"Yeah. But I want to tell you something".
"Anything, baby", mum told me.
" arrived before a few minutes...", I said showing them the letter. Dad took it and started reading it. When he finished it, he gave it to mum.
"Well done, baby!!", they said together, smiling at me.
"Tomorrow we'll go to this Dia...Diagonally to buy your wand and equipment", dad said.
"Diagon Alley", I corrected him laughing.
"Show me the list", he said. I gave him the second parchment that the letter had inside. It had all the equipment the students need on a list.

I don't know how my parents knew about Hogwarts. Maybe my great-great-great-great grandfather was a wizard. I don't know. I went upstairs and chose some Muggle clothes to wear tomorrow at shopping. I started thinking that this will be the best birthday of my life. Who actually imagined me going to Hogwarts? I went to bed early because tomorrow would be a big day for me. But I didn't close my eyes all night...

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