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[ 5.01 ]

"Riley, what is the point of being a giant if you can't stop your tiny girlfriend from catching the ball?" Kitty shouted, stomping her feet in the sand.

Riley simply pointed at Buffy, who was in the middle of doing a goofy victory dance with Teddy. "She's the Slayer! And what happened to you blocking Ted from throwing it?"

"The flaw is that he knows all my moves," Kitty grumbled.

"You have one move," Teddy said laughing. "It's the same move you use when fighting things — jump on their head. I learned to duck."

The summer following Adam's small war was a nice one. There was average slaying with lots of fun mixed in between.

Everyone took turns introducing Teddy to the world outside his Initiative cell, and he acclimated into human society very well. Much better than Kitty, even — it was a long time before she acted like a functioning, educated human. But she only had Giles, so it was expected to happen faster when he had so many people around him.

Like all Cupids, it was easy for Teddy to make friends. When he wasn't with Kitty, he was typically with Anya or Tara. That made Willow and Xander happy, as it made their partners feel less like outsiders. Teddy also made several friends at Willy's bar — and even became friends with Willy himself. That led to him getting a job there. He bussed tables there a few nights a week, and Giles couldn't stop smiling the day Teddy came home and said he found a job all on his own.

The absolute worst thing in the world happened on Kitty and Teddy's summer trip to LA to visit Angel and the others. Well, to Kitty, it was the worst. Teddy spent a bit too much time with Wesley, which led to him becoming a bit of a nerd — sorry, bookworm. Giles said Kitty and Xander weren't allowed to call Teddy a nerd just because he liked reading and learning when they didn't.

Thankfully, Teddy wasn't so nerdy that he couldn't enjoy a day at the beach. Though summer was nearly over, the whole gang — sans Giles — went to the beach and showed Teddy the ocean for the first time. He sort of stood on the shore, watching in silent awe for a few minutes. But then Kitty shoved him in the water, and thus began the fun.

Willow and Tara were reading while Anaya suntanned and Xander tried to get the grill going so he could cook them some burgers. Closer to the water was where a football game broke out between Buffy, Riley, Kitty, and Teddy. It had originally been couple versus Cupids, but then Buffy thought it'd be fun to play against Riley and tapped in Teddy for her partner.

With Buffy being the Slayer and Kitty being clumsy and fairly unathletic, it was obvious which team was losing. But even with them kicking their ass, Riley and Kitty were still having fun. Maybe not victory dance fun, but fun nonetheless.

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