They Say Love Is Priceless, Well Look Now

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Ever since I was a little girl, I'd sit or stand in the front of the classroom with my back straight and my head held high. My gold-ish brown slightly curly hair would flow down to the edge of my neck and I'd wear cute clothes. I had more money than other people, my daddy's the CEO of Macy's. I've got sleek clothes and money ever since I was little.

One day, my kindergarten teacher, Mrs.Priss, put on a song. The title was 'Money Can't Buy Everything'. At the time I was little and knew nothing of the world and when to keep my mouth shut because no one would understand my logic. I was spoiled back then, I am now too. I was just foolish back then.

"What CAN'T money buy?" I asked then.

"Well, money can't buy love Celeste, no matter how much." She'd say.

"But my daddy bought my mom's heart. He told me he bought her heart with love. Doesn't that count for something?" I'd ask again.

"That's a different type of buying sweetie, you'll understand when you grow up." She'd reply, and it would be the end of the discussion.

You can buy a lot of things with money. I know, I know it. You can buy love with sweet talking, can't you buy it with money too? It'd seem like the world would go round much faster with just, buying love. And if love is a feeling, why do you have to earn pieces of love?

That was then, when I was younger. And its true. How is it possible to earn love? How is it possible to feel love if I've never felt it before? Some things, I just don't understand at all. Even now, at age 13, almost 14 I still barely understand at all.

When I asked others, at the age of 11, they'd tell me love was for a cute boy who had a sense of humor. But how could you love that? How CAN you feel love? I've tried, to fall in love or love a boy. I just don't understand how easy it was for them, but not for me. What was I missing out on? Was love like drinking? One leading to the other and getting addicted and no matter how hard you can't slip away? Or was love painful like drinking but slowly killing on the inside too?

I've tried researching, is it possible to buy love? But nothing would ever come up that would be helpful for me. I could always ask daddy, but he was out most of the time. I could ask mom, but she would always be cheating on my daddy, with another man and family. I had no one to turn to then. My sister ran away at the age of 16, two years ago. They gave up my twin brother, left him at the front steps of an orphanage.

I've lived at boarding schools. Ever since I finished elementary. There were the snotty girls, who all boys tended to love, even though all they do is secretly hurt and have large spheres wherever they go. There were the unpopular girls which also included nerds, who were kind and nice and didn't have that big of spheres when it came to that. The unpopular weren't the best dressed,for sure, but they were always truly better than the snotty, how come all the boys haven't gone to them?

There was another thing I couldn't understand. The boy's obbsesion for those large 'spheres' that are near your chest. They were more of a burden, not a great high praised item. It's just sad when wherever you go there are bumps on your chest and that you need to cover them with extra layers of clothing like camisoles. Also, some clothes showed the outline of the things you use to cover your 'spheres'. I find it embarrasing, not hot or attractive.

Then there was me. No one knew I was rich, I really prefered not to brag, now that I know better. I've been invited to the snotty girls group, but there was no point. I've never really been invited with the so called nerds though. I was just alone most of the time. With my money, clothes, and my diaries.

I've never really like technology. All the computers and laptops and mp3 players confuse me. All I have is a generation 4 IPhone. Also, at last resort, I had a high speed HP laptop. I liked to do things regularly. Writing instead of typing. Making music instead of listening to it. Of course, I'd use the stove and what not, just, not things that have to do with internet and computers.

After a while I figured, its possible to buy love. Daddy did it without a problem, though there are some flaws with mom going out to see 'Robert'. And money can buy everything. It just depends on how you use your money. It could be buying gifts, and buying love with fashion is using money too right? I mean. you use money to buy clothes and the make up.

So why does everyone say you can't buy love with money?

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