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Betrayal. It's the worst feeling in the world. It's like your heart was ripped out, torn to pieces and put right back in.

That's how I felt right now.

I was laying on my bed, my face was stained with tears. I had stopped crying. There just weren't any tears left anymore.

I felt drained. Not only from the crying but just from life.

After another ten minutes of staring at my ceiling I decided that being a dramatic bitch wouldn't change anything about the situation and I slowly got up.

I looked at my phone to see it was 8. I may have been awake all night but I could still be in time for school.

I stepped into the shower after undressing and as soon as I got in I gave up on the whole getting to school in time idea. The water was way too relaxing and I wasn't planning on getting out soon. I let the water flow down my body and tried to focus for a second.

I thought about school. I'd come up with the plan that if I would ever see Mia or Oliver in school, I was just going to try to ignore them and continue my day like nothing happened. Or at least try.

When I thought about it, it was kinda stupid but I was too tired to think of anything else. Besides my school was pretty big. I wasn't going to see them that much.

I started to wash my hair and body and finally got out of the shower. I walked towards my closet. It was in my opinion the best thing in my whole room. When my family moved here, before I started kindergarten, I got this room because it was partially storage in the closet and I was the youngest then so my parents decided I needed the least room. But as I got older it became my walk in closer and I loved it. I was a little bit obsessed with shoes and bags and I wanted all the space I could get.

Even though I had a big closet the rest of my room was still a mess. Clothes were scattered everywhere and on top of that some unfinished homework.

I made a mental note to later clean my room but I knew I probably wasn't going to do it anyway except if my mom threatened me.

I stepped into my closet and looked at all the clothes in my closet. It was the opposite of my room. Everything was neat and cleaned and it actually looked pretty organised. At least to me.

I chose to keep it simple today and wear some green cargo pants with a grey oversized shirt with a random band on it. I didn't really have one style in particular I would wear all the time but I loved oversized shirts and cargo pants. They were so comfortable yet I felt confident in them.

I looked at my jewellery box to see my usual silver necklace sitting on top. I stared at it and grabbed the heart shaped necklace. I brought it close to my face and just felt a need to throw it away or even destroy it. Oliver had given it to me in our first month of dating. I had worn it everyday since.

I looked at the initials engraved in the heart. O & J. There was a little infinite symbol underneath them.

Infinite my ass I thought as I threw the necklace into the bin next to my bureau. I took a deep breath and looked at my other jewellery. My sight settled on a golden necklace my best friend had bought me for my last birthday.

I put it on and grabbed some golden earrings and walked towards my mirror. Every time I'd tried to put my earrings in without a mirror I'd failed so I decided that I was going to play it safe and do it in front of a mirror.

I put in my golden hoops and walked out of my room downstairs. My brother and bestfriend were long gone so I'd have to walk to school alone. Not that I minded being alone it was just that I really wanted to talk to my bestfriend Louise right now.

The walk from my house to school was only about five minutes so it wasn't too bad. I really shouldn't complain, there were people who lived an hour away from school.

I grabbed my purse, put in my air pods and started walking. As I was walked I just kept skipping the songs that were playing. I didn't like any of them. I ended up just taking my air pods out because I just couldn't find anything. I was almost at school anyway.

When I finally got to school the hallways were abandoned. It was kinda scary but everyone was already in class so it made sense.

First period had already finished and the second one was about to when I got to my locker which was on the other side of the school.

It was another five minute walk to the other side of the school with my speed. But what do they expect. I'm not going to run up these endless stairs they have in my school. I wasn't going to waste my energy on that.

When I finally stood in front of my locker, I opened it to grab the books I needed for the few periods I had left, only to realise I didn't even bring my bag to school, I'd only brought my purse.

I sighed laying my head on my locker. What was I going to do. I couldn't walk around all day with my books in my hands. That would just make me look stupid

I suddenly shot up realising my bag hadn't been in my room and it wasn't downstairs. I was starting to think it wasn't in my home at all.

Then I remembered. It was in Oliver's.

Inevitable - Jaden Walton Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin