The Day Never Ends

Start from the beginning

"It's-its fine-" Harsh called weakly as Prashant promptly went to do just that. "Ma'am, its not as-bad as it- looks."

"You're right because its much, much worse", I didn't know why I was sounding stern. Maybe its because I might burst into tears any second and honestly, someone had to keep it together. "What happened?"

Under all the black and blue of his face, I saw his gaze look guarded now. "I was walking from the bus stop and a van--"

"Oh I am sorry for not being clear", I said, my eyes narrowing. "I was going to ask 'who did this to you'- because let's be honest, no van did shit."

His heart rate picked up speed as he stared back at me, standing next to him, arms crossed and radiating nothing but rage. "N-no one-"

"Harsh. I am very glad you're feeling okay, and I am extremely thankful you're alive. But if you think me or thedoctors are going to believe your bullshit, you're mistaken. I know what I am seeing and I know what went down. Now, you can tell me this instant or you can tell me later. But you will have to tell me because I am not going to let this go."

My firm stance started to weaken a little when I saw tears forming in his eyes. I felt sickened. This was just a child! A nice, wholesome little child who was making his way in a field he liked!

"Okay you don't have to cry about it", I said uncertainly, patting his good hand. "I am just really angry for you and I don't do well with emotions in such cases", he stared at me with wide, teary eyes as I gingerly sat down on the edge of his bed, trying to comfort someone when I was burning with rage. I looked at him and took a deep breath,. "I- don't like it when someone picks on others  and I especially don't like it when someone is hurt because of it. Call me crazy but that drives me insane."

A small smile formed his face as he saw my expression. "You're a beacon of emotional support, Ma'am."

"Well, I try", I said, an unwilling smile escaping my lips at his comment.

He looked away from me for a second, focusing on the window outside.

"I asked them to call you because- my parents-will...worry", he said, not meeting my eyes.

"I can understand." My jaw tightened as I looked at the broken leg, and bandages across his face and neck, trying to quell the wave of anger inside me. "Uncle?"

There was a pause as both of us looked back at each other, neither of us making a sound. 

This was a test of faith for him. I knew what was going on in his mind. I knew the level of disbelief, distress and loneliness that he was going through right now.

 And I especially knew how powerless he was feeling; so much so that he had to call an absolute stranger rather than face his parents.

He had to make up his mind whether he wanted to keep this with him, or take action.

Finally, he gave a singular nod.

"I see." I said, deathly calm. 

"But I-I don't want-to press charges!" he said, sounding alarmed as he saw my face. The heartrate monitor began to pick up speed as panic formed in his eyes. "Please Ma'am! He has a family to support! They need him! I-I-"

"What the hell are you saying to him!" the doctor snapped as he walked in, at once glaring at me as he tried to calm down the patient. "He is in pain!"

"I know," I snapped back, looking back at Harsh with what I could only assume was an assuring expression. "It's okay. Calm down. I won't do anything."

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