Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Alistair Neil Y Credieu

Currently, we're crouching in front of a geezer who's wearing a white blazer and eye glasses. He has this white beard and wrinkles on his face showing of his age. We're here inside the investigatory office where mostly proficient magic weavers and healers based.

He give us a pearl to test our mana, and we do as what he said. We close our eyes and imagine that we're in a calm place. After a couple of minutes we saw light produce by the pearl.  He scrunch under the bridge of his noses.

"It's the first time I encounter a commoner having this much mana." He said and turn his back on us walking towards a table who's ten meters away from us.

I was conscious with the fact that the emperor is looking for us. And here us now, catching the attention of this school. Putting ourselves into a mess at S.U.I. 
Worse, being under the surveillance of our brother.


And what momma asked for was a wrong step. That investigation in S.U.I. will involved me and Asteria. Momma's power is distant from the Emperor that she will be ignored. Our life is at stake here, you need to think for a better plan Neil! Think. Think. Think.


I turn my senses on and glance on Asteria.

"And lalim ng iniisip mo Nwil, okay ka lang ba?" I heave a sigh and pat her head. I'm not okay, we're not okay Asteria. We're getting near in danger.

"Nag-aalala kaba sa mga mangyayawi?" I remain silent and place my cheek into my fist while leaning my elbow into the hand of the couch.

"Ako din Nwil nagaalala kaya siguwo kailangan na natin sabihin ki momma." She had a point, for the time we spent together with Momma. I know she will understand if we explain to her. Hindi namin kailangan magtagal sa lugar na to. And maybe, we can ask her for a way to escape this empire.

"We need to trust the process, I guess?" I heave a sigh, I'm so tired with this thought-provoking situation. My wrong here, I was afraid to search information to the Credieu.

Suddenly, the geezer walk toward us and ask us about information including our guts when we release the power. How did I manage to bear the attack of that monster and do I have any experience about fighting. The examiner finish his task and walk again towards his table.

A couple of minutes after examine, Momma entered the lab with a paper bag. She lend us a sandwich and water.

"Kumain kayo." Momma seems tired to the trouble we have. If you just know that we are a bastards of that emperor, things will be more difficult momma.

"Thanks Momma."

"Salamat po!" Asteria replied, I took a bite on the sandwich. I felt momma's hand on my head. She carries our hair, I glance on the window and saw that sun was about to set.

The door opened and we saw Lady Hanina together with the headmaster. They went towards us.

"Uh Lady Rouch? We will accommodate your stay here for tonight. It will be dangerous for you to go home when the sun was about to set. And also, the kids was temporarily exchange student of S.U.I. so that we can train them for the power they carry after six months."

Six months? No, we need to leave here safe and sound. A month staying here would be worst, I couldn't imagine ourselves breathing after three fold months.

"That was good for me to accept, thank you lady Hanina." Mom answered.

"Lady Hanina would guide you towards the dormitory, please allow her to guide you." Headmaster tell, me and Asteria stood up after finishing our food. The headmaster approach the examiners, so we left the place.

I glance around, there's no one around except us. There are buildings who have a lots of light through the window. Each building was huge, three times double than the S.U.I. dormitory.

Suddenly, I felt someone who was starting on us from nowhere.  I gulp as I felt the blood lust, I glance around and make my guard on. Seems, Asteria and them can't notice it. But I do, when I felt where the energy came from I glance on it. And saw a shadow in the window. I saw green eyes and a mischievous presence that remind me of Mathilda. The presence vanish as long as the shadow on the window. I run towards Asteria when I feel I was left behind.

"Bat ambagal no maglakad Nwil." I shrug and hold into her hand. 

I need to think for a better plan to escape the conflict we have. Especially when that brother of us set surveillance on us. And that eyes, those blood lust that similar into our mother. It make me feel shiver in spine, how many of them? How many of them who intend to kill us? Why are we so unwanted in this world? That black sorcerer who form a dark creature using mana and slime. The hanabi who are far gone extinct because of Credieu.

Are they really gone? If they are, then how about black sorcerer who turn extinct too base on history? Something isn't going right. Is there any chance that hanabi still exist? Of course! There is Neil.

The only one who can withstand a power is a society's verdict. Think carefully Neil... there's no one we can trust when worst of our rivals hiding behind shadows.
Society's verdict. Credieu's power. Our existence. Hanabis.

I'm afraid... For the two of us Asteria. But maybe we can withstand these waves of hurdles. If we create proposals that would benefit us and for the bloodline of Credieu, if we just established connections into strong kingdoms so we can...

A thin curve plaster to my lips when I made up my plans. I'm tired of running with chains on our feet trying to grab freedom.
It's settle that we will live into this world fighting Society's verdict.
Fuck their notions if we're bastards. We didn't live, wanting  to be on their line.


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