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Inconsolable they were, the Astradian folk, after the untimely death of their most beloved ruler, King Xira. Banners inked in the color black with the Astradian emblem ( a fiery ball) engraved on them, hang everywhere throughout the kingdom. On the palace walls and in every corner of the kingdom to symbolize the passing of an Astradian legend. Torches were lit in the palace garden where all had gathered. Gathered to bid farewell to a man they never thought would leave them so soon. The mood was insufferable as people from far and wide came to pay their last respects to the fallen King.

The three sisters and their uncle clad in white robes as custom dictated. With pure hearts and unbearable torture, in their grasp they held torches as well. Torches that would be their light in this endless darkness. Their grief , sorrow and pain shared by all present at the ceremony. Yet it was all but the beginning of the end for the three Astradian lasses.

Sepher had not spoken a word ever since their father died. Her lips were sealed as though she was spellbound not to utter a single word. Ren and Jade unable to heal her grieving heart, yet they too were broken. It seemed like it was all a terrible nightmare. An illusion of sorts testing their sanity. A painful occurrence in their lives that would leave a mark inked on their skin forever. Reality they had to come to terms with however.

King Xira was placed on the raised table that faced the staggering crowd that had gathered at the palace garden.  Like all the Kings before him, his reincarnation had to be witnessed if not celebrated. Clothed in his ocassional blue robe, his glaring gaze gone. His fingers locked firmly on his chest. He seemed sound asleep as his  daughter's watched in unfathomable pain.Their uncle lit up the corpse in readiness for the afterlife. The body of the revered King going up in flames and so did the cries of his people. His spiritual existence rising slowly to the heavens above in the form of smoke where a place awaited him next to his ancestors.

Jade walked over to Sepher's bed, her sister had never woken from her comfort place for days. Neither had she said a word ever since she saw the lifeless body of her father. The royal physician described her condition as unsual sighting that it was the King's demise that had put her in that vegetable state.

"At least eat something, these are your favorites," implored Jade trying to persuade Sepher to take a bite. She simply pushed the platter out of Jade's grasp before giving her her back.

A frustrated Jade cleaning up after her sister. She had tried on countless times to get Sepher to eat or get out of bed but it was proving too much of a task for Sepher.

Jade was taken by surprise the moment Sepher sat up and pointed to the door.

"What? Why are you pointing at the.." Jade excited to see life in the forest- green eyes of her sister. Ren walked in no sooner, her face pale as she paced up and down.

"The high council is in session right now discussing who should be Astrad's next ruler!" Ren blurted as Jade got up to her feet.

"So soon? It's barely a few days since father passed." Protested Jade.

"I know and they will call us in any moment now because we are the rightful heirs." Continued Ren unable to hide her anxiety as she fixed her red hair.

"I thought only a son could succed him," pointed out Jade much to Ren's dislike.

"Remember what father said, those are just rules. Today, the throne will choose me because I am next in line to ascend the throne of Astrad!" Ren was adamant , her mind convinced that Astrad was to bow at her feet.

"Congratulations then, I will be here to support you." Jade embraces Ren whose eyes meet Sepher's. Sepher shakes her head throwing Ren into a whirlwind of confusion.

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