Now In Color

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After Wanda and Marah's newly discovered pregnancies, the three had decided to call Westview's doctor for a home visit. Marah being more nervous and almost setting the couch on fire multiple times just waiting for the man to arrive but Vision and Wanda managed to keep the woman calm.

Doctor Neilson was a balding man, who's opinions were on the misogynistic side.
"Yep! Definitely pregnant. Both of you." The doctor determined after having pressed a stethoscope to both women's stomachs.

"W... We thought so." Marah said, giggling nervously and shaking her head once the man's back was to her.

"This has just kinda taken us by surprise." Wanda explained, one hand clutching Visions and the other on Marah's thigh.

"It's just kinda sudden. Quite suddenly, wasn't it. I mean, practically overnight. I mean, how did this even happen?" Vision stammered, causing the doctor to stare at him blankly before chuckling.

"You see when a man, a woman, and a woman love each other very much-" The doctor started, laughing as he tried to explain.

"Well, we're just tickled pink or blue!" Wanda joked, interrupting the doctor, as the three rose from the couch. Vision having to help Marah stand as she was having a difficult time.

"You're at about four months now. Is that accurate for the two of you?" He asked, receiving nods from both women. "I thought as much. We like to let the little ladies keep tabs on their growing babes with fruit." Neilson told Vision. "Makes it simple for them. At four months, the fetus is about as big as a pear. At five months, papaya. Six grapefruit, seven pineapple, and eight honeydew."

"So we both have pears?" Marah questioned the man, tilting her hand and giggling.

"You both have pears." The doctor confirmed with a nod. "The three of you must have been planning for months to sync the pregnancies up like this." He added with a chuckle.

"Hypothetically speaking, what size fruit would it be at say twelve hours?" Vision asked, causing the doctor to blanch and his wives to look at him with wide eyes.

"Pardon? Twelve hours?" The doctor questioned with wide eyes and uncertainty in his voice.

"Well, I think this line of questioning is fruitless." Wanda cut in with a forced, polite laugh as she moved to stand beside the doctor.

"Hypothetically speaking, should we be concerned?" Vision asked, rounding the back of the couch, holding Marah's hand in his but quickly felt a slight burn on his hand when he touched the inside of her wrist. Vision's eyes looked down at her hand with a confused expression.

"Hypothetically speaking, every new father-to-be gets nervous." The doctor patronized, slapping a hand on Vision's neck which caused the synthizoid to recoil.

"Well, I have nerves of steel, so there goes your theory, Mr. Doctor." Vision said, pulling away from the man with a nervous smile.

"Vis, why don't you see the doctor out?" Marah suggested, wrapping her arm around her husband's waist with a smile.

"That sounds like a great idea." Wanda agreed, nodding at the two with a smile.

"Of course." Vision nodded. "Thank you so much for dropping by Doctor Neilson." He said, leading the doctor out of the house as Wanda and Marah smiled at one another.

Well, I'm just glad you caught me in time." The doctor commented once outside. "I'm taking the wife on vacation this afternoon." He told with a grin and his hand shaking Vision's.

"Oh, well, I hope you have a nice holiday," Vision told the man. "Hey, Herb!" Vision called to their neighbor.
"Listen, can you keep the news of the girls, you know, just between us?"
Vision asked the doctor. "It's that everything's happening so quickly, and we'd like to keep the news just in the family now."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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