Obito is going to die

Start from the beginning

End of the Flashback

Rin was walking slowly home without looking around her surroundings.
Her eyes were empty and she seemed exhausted.

Can I really do something for Obito ?
I am not strong like Kakashi.
I am not strong like Minato sensei.
Even if I save Obito alone, will I able to protect him ?
Can I be actually called his girlfriend ?
I have no idea.
I have no idea what should I do.
If Obito would be the one who would save me I am sure he would success.
Obito never cared about what others think about him.
Or at least he pretended to.
I am the worst.
Where did all my courage go ?
When did I became so pathetic ?
Just because Minato sensei is not hokage anymore and just because we can't save him together doesn't mean it's the end of the world.
I will talk with Minato sensei tomorrow.
There is no way I am letting it be like this.

With that Rin hurried to go home to get plenty of rest to restore her energy for the next day.

But no one knew what will happen the next day...

Rin was running to the Hokage's office with a smile on her face.
She couldn't wait to help Minato to save Obito.
She had her hopes up.
When she wanted to open the door she stopped when she heard someone talking.
What did you come here for Danzo ?
I am packing my stuff so you didn't had to come to kick me out. Minato said.
No I did not come here for that. Danzo simply said.
Danzo ? What does he want so early at the morning ?
Rin managed to hide behind corner just in time as she was listening what they were saying but she couldn't hear anything at all.
When Danzo left, Rin ran to the hokage office quickly and found Minato standing on the same spot.
Minato sensei what happened ? Is something wrong ? Rin asked.
No nothing at all. Minato said with a smile on his face.
Rin slowly walked to Minato.
Then what happened ? Why was Danzo here all of a sudden ?
I will tell you later Rin. Right now I am very busy so can you leave me for a while ?
I mean yes sure but...
Thank you Rin. I will talk with you later. Minato said as he closed the door in front of Rin.
Rin tilted her head and shrugged.
While going down the stairs she noticed Kakashi.
Hey Kakashi here here ! Rin waved to Kakashi.
Oh Rin here you are. What's wrong ? Did you had some business with Minato sensei ?
No. Well he seemed to be busy. He didn't wanted to talk to me.
Saying that he was busy.
But it's our Minato sensei so I believe him.
Oh I see. Hey Rin, want stop by for some dango ? Kakashi asked as he pointed at the dango shop.
Yes ! I would really like to have some dango.
You know I am so stressed lately, I barely sleep. Rin giggled.
Sleep geez. You need plenty of rest or you will start to look like me and Obito will reject you right away. Kakashi said.
Is that true ?! I don't want to look like you !
You are being rude now. You don't have to say it like that. Now you are making me feel like I am some pervert who reads porn books all night and re reading it more than 4 times.
That's exactly who you are Kakashi. And just now you said what you are doing at nighs.
You got me. Kakashi chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck.


The anbu put handcuffs around Obito's arms and pushed him away.
Today is the day huh ? The day I die.
I didn't realized that this day would arrive so soon. Sooner than I expected.
I wonder what is Rin doing right now ?
Is she somewhere with her friends ? Is she having fun ?
I want to see her. I want to see her but I am worried that it is too late. Too late for everything.
I couldn't keep my promise to her. I am sorry Rin. It looks like we won't be together.
Obito looked around himself and saw the horrified faces.
Mom I am so scared. I don't want to die. The kid said as he cried to her mom's chest.
Obito then looked at the crying Sasuke who was hugging his brother and his mom.
I don't want to die yet. Sasuke cried.
Itachi placed a hand on Sasuke's head and closed his eyes.
Everyone looks so sad. Everyone is crying.
So why am I not crying too ?
Am I not crying because I already accepted it ?
Yes that's right. This is my fate.
But I can't handle to see little kids crying like that. Are they going to do the same to them ?
How cruel. I need to find a way to save others.
At least I want to save others.
They do not deserve this. I do.
Hurry up and go outside. Make Danzo sama angry and we will kill you here. The root anbu said pushing the kunais to their back.
The execution will begin in 30 minutes.
Make sure that every single one of them is outside except Shisui Uchiha.
Danzo said.
Yes Danzo sama. They are slowly getting out if their cells. The root anbu said.
Very good. I can't wait to get rid of them.
Rin was running down the stairs to see Obito once again.
I can't wait to see Obito now, he won't believe me when I tell him what kind of plan Minato sensei have. Rin chuckled to herself.
Obito ! Where are you ?! Obito ?! Rin was looking around the empty cells but found nobody.
Where are they ? Did they moved them somewhere else ?
At the end of the hall Rin noticed someone sitting on the floor.
It must be Obito. Rin run up to the last cell and looked down at the poor uchiha.
It's not Obito. Shisui kun is that you ? Stay with me. Rin kneeled down to face Shisui.
They are gone. Everyone is gone. Shisui cried.
Huh ? Where ? Rin asked.
Danzo is going to kill every single one of them.
Rin stood frozen.
What ? There is no way. Shisui are you sure you are allright ?
You are not lying right ? Rin asked not believing Shisui's words.
Everyone from the uchiha clan is going to be executed today. Every single one of us.
And there is nothing we can do. Shisui hugged his knees.
If only I was stronger. I could protect everyone.
Obito is going to die ? Today ? When ?
When do they want to kill everyone ?
At 5 minutes. Or so I think so. The time flew by.
Only I remained left here.
Rin san please go save everyone. Please. Shisui begged.
D-don't worry Minato sense-
I mean the hokage san is going to save everyone. Rin smiled.
Really ? That's relief. The fourth hokage did so much for us already.
I am so grateful to him. Please go tell him.
You don't have much time. Shisui said.
Okay. I will come to free you later. I promise we will save everyone. Rin said as she run away.
In 5 minutes Obito is going to die. I must hurry.
There is no way I am letting him die.
Damn you Danzo. You came too far. Rin gritted her teeth and ran as fast as she could.
Now where will I find Minato sensei at this time ?
It's useless. There is no way I will find him now.
At least Kakashi. Kakashi will be enough now.
If they are going to be executed I must go to place where is many people.
Oh that's it ! Right there !
I see many people. Wait for me Obito.
I will save you.
Rin was almost out of her breath when she stopped in front of many people.
Please let me pass. Rin tried to see what was happening and when she saw many uchihas in front of the guillotine her eyes widened.
Stop it right there ! Let me pass. Rin run, pushing through the people until she was in front of Danzo.
Oh so at least one member of team Minato came to see her team mate die.
Or should I say her boyfriend ? Danzo asked.
You !!!! Rin was ready to punch Danzo but suddenly Minato appeared in front of Rin.
Minato sensei. Rin said happily.
Minato sensei ? Rin. Obito said.
Minato, so you came after all. Danzo said.
I came to end this. No one will die today. Minato said.
That's the fourth hokage ! We are saved ! Sasuke said.
What are you planning to do Minato ?
Like I said. To put an end to this once and for all.
So he knows. Rin said.
Minato sensei ! Rin ! Kakashi run up to Minato and Rin.
Even Kakashi ? Obito asked.
So the entire team Minato arrived to save their last team mate.
How pathetic. Danzo said.
Minato you want to be arrested ? Koharu asked.
Minato if you will try to do something funny you are considered as a rogue ninja. Homura said.
Please listen to me. I have the proof that everyone from the uchiha clan is innocent.
I know everything. And I will take any kind of punishment if it's still not enough.
Please read this.
Many people signed up that it's not uchiha clan's fault.
It's our fault who was pushing them to their back the entire time.
Some people even admitted that it was their fault that the uchiha clan was guilty.
Danzo, Homura and Koharu read the papers.
Does any of you here feel the same ? Does any of you feel guilty that uchiha clan has to die today ? Danzo asked the crowd.
Everyone remained silent.
If any of you want us to spare their life raise a hand. Danzo suggested.

But no one raised the hand.

It looks like it is decided. Danzo said as he ripped the papers to shreds.
Minato was shocked.
Wait everyone ! You don't have to be afraid ! Nothing will happen if you raise your hand. Minato explained.
The uchiha clan hurt us a lot. And our kids too. They should die. The villages said.
That's right ! That's right !
Minato was breathing heavily as he turned to face Danzo.
Those are just papers. There is no proof that they are innocent.
The uchiha clan is dangerous. They almost killed some of our people. We can't let this to continue. Danzo said.
Danzo is right. The uchihas are way too dangerous. Homura said.
They are just devils. They never belonged to this village anyway. Koharu said.
Wait ! Minato said.
Give it up Minato. Or do you want to lose your life too ? Danzo turned to face Minato again.
I won't let Obito to die ! Rin screamed.
Rin calm down ! Kakashi said as he was holding Rin.
Let me go Kakashi. Someone has to save him.
Obito ! Obito ! Obito ! Rin cried.
Annoying girl. Danzo said.
Danzo. Obito spoke.
What is it ? Danzo asked.
I have a proposal for you. Obito said.
What might that be ?
Let everyone from the uchiha clan go and kill me instead. Obito said.
There was a long silence.
And why should I do that ? Danzo asked.
Because I was the one who caused trouble more than anyone.
I almost killed innocent people.
And because of me your plan was not successfull. Few years ago. You remember it right ? You were quite mad weren't you ?
That some brat like me defeated you and you had to return back to the village with nothing but remorses. Obito smirked.
Danzo punched Obito in the face and few of the root anbu kicked Obito while he was laying on the ground.
Obito ! Rin screamed.
Fine you brat. You will die first. Danzo said through gritted teeth.
Sorry Rin. That I couldn't keep my promise to you. Obito said.
What are you saying Obito ?! You need to live !
Come here ! Let's run away together ! Rin offered her hand.
Let's run away and live together in peace !
No one will find us ! So just listen to me !
You don't want life like that. And you are not strong enough to survive there.
I can see it in your eyes. You must live in this village no matter what happens. This was my fate long time ago. So please don't be sad. Don't cry. It's going to be okay. Obito smiled sadly.
Obito !!! You want to leave me and Rin alone ?! At least think about our feelings too ! Kakashi said at the verge of tears as he was still holding Rin.
No. I am sure you and Rin will do fine even without me.
You two were made for each other.
Rin, Kakashi will protect you for me.
I will be watching over you two. We will be always together.
I don't want anyone to suffer anymore. So I am going to end this right here. Obito said.
I don't want you to die Obito !!!! Rin screamed.
Few tears escaped Obito's eyes as he smiled at his friends.
Minato sensei thank you for everything. You were the best sensei and hokage for me.
Obito....Minato cursed under his breath as his fists were shaking.
Kakashi.... Please take care of Rin for me. Obito smiled last time as he was waiting for his death.
That's enough of talking. Kill him right now ! Danzo ordered.

Just when they wanted to chop Obito's head off, a shadow figure appeared from the mountains.

Stop it right there ! The manly voice said.

The shadow figure took everyone's attention.
There is no way.....
Obito was speechless when he saw the man.
The shadow figure smirked at everyone.

Who is that ? Rin asked.

(Hello everyone. Sorry to make you wait for so long. I am finally back. And I would like to write more often now.
We are slooowly coming to the finale.
Now it is getting interesting.
Who is that shadow figure who appeared all of the sudden ?
Will Obito be saved ? Find out next time. See you later my friends 😉 )

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