"I missed you, Edweirdo"

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After a very long phone call with Edward as he guided Athena through Forks, it might have been a shorter call if Athena hadn't stopped midway to shop in Port Angeles for some new clothes she deemed 'Forks attire' to match the horrible weather.

When she finally arrived at the house she took in a deep- fake breath and smelt all the lovely moments she'd had within the walls of the great house. In fact, she'd helped Esme create it by helping with some of the planning and decorating giving it her own touch.

"ATTIEEEEEEEEEEE" a high pitched voice came from the top floor of the house and out the window was Alice. The short pixie-haired girl was dangling out the window and waving at Athena with a large grin on her face. She immediately disappeared from the window and then reappeared right in-front of Athena where she pulled her in for a rib breaking hug.

Out from the house, Edward came shortly followed by a brunette girl Athena didn't recognise.
"Hello Edweirdo!" she screamed as she leapt over to the tall copper haired vampire. She tried to peep around his large body to look at the girl behind her who Athena had now realised was human due to her very loud heartbeat invading Athena's eardrums but Edward pushed her away. "Athena. It's uhm been a while.." Edward replied awkwardly.

He was being weird. Athena hated this, normally her and Edweirdo would be constantly poking fun at one another but right now he was solemn and serious: two things Athena despised. She started walking away from him to distract him before she sprinted to the human that stood close to the house. Before Edward could snatch her arms, Athena grabbed and twirled the girl who was only a few inches taller than her around and smiled largely at her. "It's a pleasure to meet you! I'm Athena, and you are?"
"Bella. Bella swan." the taken aback girl sheepishly responded. Yet another thing Athena hated, boring people.

Athena clapped her hands and strode inside the house where she was greeted by many familiar faces including Carlisle and her personal favourite Cullen Emmett. Once Emmett spotted Athena he charged for her and spun her around teddy-bear style which caused Athena to giggle. She'd forgotten how much fun she was able to have in this plain, old town.

Emmett spent the next few hours catching Athena up on all the gossip and things that had been going on since she left all the way up to the part when she arrived. Athena was on the edge of her seat, she loved a good fight and even more so a fight for love. She thought it was ever so romantic that a human and vampire could fall in love and even more romantic that she'd be there to fight for said love.

"Emmett, are you finally ready to shut up?" Jasper said from the corner of the room after Emmett had finally filled Athena in on any and everything that went on here, after a small and sad nod from the huge, bear-like man, Jasper continued "So, we need your help because we all know you are the most experienced with new born vampires, having-" he was cut off by glares from Rosalie and Emmett reminding him to tread lightly about Athena's past experiences in the vampire world. At this Athena quietly chuckled, she found it hilarious that they felt as if they'd have to be on egg shells around her when that was the furtherest thing from the truth.

"It's okay, but now I think we should start some training." 

A tulip - Leah Clearwater Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat