I'm Sorry, Honeybee.

Start from the beginning


I got attacked today at work. Jeff's 'lady friend' asked me about my cane, and I didn't tell her what wasn't her business, so she got upset and kicked it away from my grasp, making me fall back. Thankfully I managed to catch myself against the wall, but it really messed up everything for me. I haven't gotten bullied, or laughed at for years. I can usually be in control, but today I lost it.
I didn't want the night to be like this, I surely didn't want to make Serenade run off. Sally and I immediately stopped fighting when we heard the door open, but remained frozen in place as we processed what just happened. I looked over at her, seeing her shoulder heaves as she pants from the immense feelings that have just rushed through her. I caused those feelings. I started a war when there wasn't reason to start one. There has never been a reason with my girls.
"Sally, go look for them, I'll call Ally and Diane to help." I say quietly, trying not to express the wave of worry that just hit me. She whimpers and starts to run for the door, but I grab her hand carefully for a moment, looking into her eyes as she looks into mine. "I'm so sorry." I whisper, and her eyes tear up even more as she nods. "I know." She whispers back, and then leans to kiss my lips briefly before running out of the door with my coat in her hand.
I am quick to call Serenade's aunties, and thankfully they live right down the road. I stay on the phone with Diane as I fight the lump in my throat, the guilt in my stomach.
"I didn't mean for any of this to happen Diane, I- I don't know how I'm going to fix this.." I speak in a weaker voice, not feeling in control of my emotions now. She sighs and I whimper softly, slowly pacing the room. "Honey, you know this wasn't you, I know Sally does too. Yes, tonight could've gone differently, but this just shows that you just have a little work to do, that you need to take care of yourself. Because if you're not okay, then how can you make sure your girls are?" Her soft voice helps me calm myself down, and I nod at her words, biting my lip to keep it from quivering. "You're right, you're absolutely right, I'm going to get help Diane, I promise I will." I blubber out, and her response is, "Don't promise me, promise them, Mina." I go to respond but then hear Diane gasp suddenly, and I hear Ally mumbling in the background.
"What's going on Diane? Did you find them?" Diane doesn't respond and I start to panic, hearing a lot of commotion on the other side of the phone. I decide to just go over there, so I hang up and rush as much as possible down the street to their house. It's freezing cold and the rain just keeps going, but I feel too much adrenaline to care about the weather.
I finally get there, and what I witness when I walk in is, it's heartbreaking. My wife, Diane and Ally are huddled around Serenade, who doesn't seem to be conscious. "Sally, wh-what happened?" I try to sound strong, but the sight makes me feel so helpless. She turns to me, tears rolling down her cheeks. I walk to her as she tries to speak, but I can tell no words can describe what's going on in her head, even in mine.
"Shh, shh it's going to be okay, our baby will be okay." I whisper in her ear and look at Serenade. They're so pale.. Our poor baby looks so tiny, so fragile. They have this expression on their face, one that just silently screams pain, fear.. Oh my girl. I've hurt my little girl.
Diane explains that Serenade will be okay, she looks my baby over and says that the worst thing is they have a low grade fever, will probably have a cold, and some cuts and bruises, but those are obvious. I slowly move to sit by Serenade, and very carefully look them over. They're covered in a towel, sleeping but shivering so much, my poor girl. I look up at Diane. "Can you get the three of us home?" I say softly and she nods, looking at Ally, who is currently soothing my Sally.
Ally grabs her keys while Sally walks over and carefully scoops up our girl. I slowly stand up and follow them to the car, sitting in the back with my girls.
When we get home, Ally makes sure we're inside and safe, and when she leaves, Sally and I see our little one starting to stir. "Let me go draw a bath for us, our baby looks so cold." I say softly, and Sally smiles lightly, nodding in agreement.
I head upstairs, hearing my girl start to fuss as she wakes up, my heart breaking at the sound. I get into the bathroom and plug the tub, starting to let it fill with warm water. I put bubbles in, hoping it'll cheer the baby up a bit, and then I slowly undress. By the time it's all ready, Sally walks in with a naked and even fussier Serenade, who looks over at me immediately and whimpers. I bite my lip and slowly walk towards them, looking into my little ones eyes.
"My sweet honeybee, mommy is sorry. She's not gonna get mean again, promise." I whisper in the softest voice I can manage, and I watch Serenade look up at Sally, who looks back at them with a smile, nodding to reassure. My baby looks back at me with a little pout, their lip quivering. "Mm" is all they grunt out, seeming to be pretty small, but their eyes tell me it's gonna be okay.
Sally helps me get into the tub, and then hands me Serenade. I hold them close to me, and they melt into my quickly, their head limp against my chest. I smile wide as they let out little coos and hums, and their little body starts to get color again. Sally soon slides in the tub with us, carefully moving me to lay my back on her front as I cradle our girl.
"Our baby, oh I love you so much." I coo to the little one, who is quick to coo back, making Sally and I chuckle quietly. Sally starts to gently wash Serenade and me while I give them little kisses and hum with their little hums, letting my two girls surround me with their warmth.
Soon they start to let out little whimpers, their lips pursing as they wiggle softly in my arms. I look behind me to Sally and then back at my baby as I hush softly. "I think someones getting hungry, they didn't get to have dinner, huh?" I say quietly and Sally gently kisses the back of my neck. "How about we dry off and you can feed our sweet girl while I make us something to eat, hm?"
We get out of the bath, Sally carrying Serenade to the bed as I get in and comfortable. Our girl is fussing up a storm, growing impatient because they are hungry. Sally lays them in my arms and lays a kiss on both of our heads before winking at me and making her way downstairs.
I look down at my poor honeybee and click my tongue soothingly, my brows knitting with concern. "Sweet baby, mommy has you, shh here we go, here baby.." I whisper and move their head carefully, guiding their mouth to latch to my breast. My baby coos in relief when they realize they are latched and immediately I feel them suckling, making me smile. I watch them eat while tracing their facial features, moving their little wisps of baby hairs out of their face.
Eventually they start to fall asleep, and that's when Sally comes back up with a sandwich cut in half. I smile gently and put my finger to my lips, letting her know our little one is resting. She chuckles quietly and sits next to us in bed, cooing at the sight of little Serenade peacefully sleeping. After handing me half of the sandwich she takes the other and leans against my arm, and we quietly eat. After a bit of peaceful silence, I look over at her, and gently set the sandwich on the plate. "Sal.. You know, I didn't mean anything I said-"
"I know honey, I know you didn't. It's all okay." She interrupts gently and looks back into my eyes. I smile, slightly shy as I look down, taking my hand in hers. "I.. I think I want to start going to therapy.. And maybe find a job that I can do from home.. I miss so much time with you two, and.. And well, I want to be here more. You and Serenade are my world, and I haven't been living in it." Sally looks at me, tears in her eyes as she smiles wide. She leans over to kiss my lips lovingly, and giggles lightly. "Oh baby, I'm so happy to hear all of this. I'm so proud of you." She whispers back to me, and my heart thuds with pride, my girl is proud of me..
We relax for a while, it's gotten late so we decide to turn on a film and try to rest. Sally soon falls asleep, curled into my side. She looks so angelic, it makes my heart melt. I'm almost asleep, but then I feel a certain baby squirming on my chest, starting to fuss. I snap awake to realize that they don't have a diaper on, so I carefully sit up and try to quickly reach for a diaper. Thankfully we have a cart of outfits and diaper supplies by the bed, so I can get one easily. I lay Serenade down in front of me, hushing them softly as I open up the diaper and slide it under their bum, getting the tabs stuck on just in time.
My little baby slowly opens their eyes, looking up at me as they blush shamefully. I shake my head softly, to reassure them as they relieve themselves. I reach behind me to grab their sweet Mr. Bubbles, letting them grip it as they potty. My girl sighs softly, finishing quickly, and I already have wipes and a diaper ready. I hum softly to soothe as I undo the diaper, pouting gently as they start to fuss. "Oh baby, I know, I know it's so uncomfy baby, hang on!" I whisper to them and quickly wipe them clean before wrapping them up in a clean diaper.
Soon they're swaddled again and I lay them in between Sally and I, smiling as I kiss my girl's heads. I sigh softly and lay down, my arm draped over the both of them as I close my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.

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