Ease My Mind

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"Mommy? Mama?" I whimper out, and I don't feel them. I don't hear them, I wake up, and it's dark. "Mommy.. Mama.." I say again, clearer but shakier. Nothing. I groan a little and roll over, noticing my tv is still on. I sigh softly and blink my eyes a few times, they aren't focusing though so I rub them gently with my fists, and then I blink a bit again and smile lightly when I see clearer. I move and pull up my blanket to my chin, and then I make sure Mr. Bubbles' arms are under my arms before looking back up at the tv. I smile a little, Mama pops up in one of the scenes of the AHS season, Hotel, I forgot I was watching it before I fell asleep.
She was helping Iris kill herself, and I giggle a little, because she has so much attitude. "Mama siwwy" I mumble to myself and smile, sighing out softly as I continue to watch her. I feel my eyes start to get heavy, and I slip back to sleep, but then I hear a scream from the tv and jump awake, feeling myself pee a little from the shock. I whimper a little and look at the tv, and then I pout and huff out softly, sitting up a little. Thankfully I have a pull up on, but it's still a little annoying that I can't control my pottying as well. I look at the tv and roll my eyes, seeing a seen with John, I don't like him at all, so this was a perfect time to finish pottying and change. I whimper quiet and look over at the wall, sitting up straight, and I zone out a little as I feel myself pottying more. I let out a small whine as I feel my pull up is full, and lay back on my side, letting out a few whines. I look back at the tv and sigh softly, humming lightly and closing my eyes because I can hear Mama's voice. I decide I would skip some episodes and go to my favorite and also least favorite part, when Mama tells a story to Countie and helps her. I skip through that specific episode and find the right spot, and then I press play. I smile a little again when I see Mama stitching up Countie, and I reach for a diaper, deciding I would wear one for night night now. I lay on my back and get to work on cleaning myself up, focusing on Mama's voice, letting it calm me down. Once I got changed, I sigh and sit up again, humming softly at the comfortable dry diaper, and then I groan a little as I have to get up and take care of the diaper, but I manage to waddle to the trash and dispose of it before coming back to my bed. I coo as I'm snuggling back under the covers, and I decide to lay with my back up, bending so my knees and tucked into my chest and then I grab Mr. Bubbles and slide him under me so I am more comfortable. The scene with Mama and Countie is still going, but it's a flashback to when Mama had been with that woman and man, and she made them all stuck together. She looks so sad, and in so much pain, cuz she's stuck to them, and I look at her face, hearing her whimper and sob, and I start to tear up a little. "Mommy.. Mama sad.." I whisper quietly, wanting Mommy to come now and help Mama, not understanding that this wasn't real. "Mommy.. Mommy help!" I wail out quietly and start to cry softly and scrunch my face up, crying out for both of them. I look away from the tv, not wanting to see Mama in so much pain, I wanted to cuddle her so bad. I knew Mommy would make us feel better, in all my stories she does. She always makes Mama's tears disappear for awhile, and she makes me feel warm and fuzzy. They both do. Why can't they be real?
"M-Mama.. Mommy.. help.." I whisper, choking out sobs and I feel all shakey. I grip Mr. Bubbles tightly, looking back at the tv, and my eyes grow wide. A new scene is playing, but a scene I've never seen before. It's Mama.. looking through the tv. She's looking at me, staying silent, and her head is tilted slightly. "M-Mama?" I ask quietly, hiccupping a little as I call for her. "Honeybee?" she responds, and I gasp and sit up a little, look at the tv with surprise. I must be dreaming.. "Mam.." I go to speak, but then I let out another gasp. I see Mommy, walking close to Mama, and then standing behind her, now they are both looking at me. I rub my eyes hard, and I blink a few times before looking at the tv. They are still there.. "We're coming Honeybee." Mommy says softly, and then a white light flashes over the tv, and just like that, they're gone. I stare at the tv blankly for a moment, and then I just break down completely. I collapse back into the bed and wail loudly into my pillow, feeling myself getting littler, but I didn't try calming down, I am upset. My mind played tricks on me! They aren't real! I continue wailing, feeling my diaper getting full again, but I paid no mind to it, just wanting, needing my mommies.
I am almost silent screaming by now, and I can't hear anything that's happening around me. But then I feel a hand on my back and flinch, snapping my head up. The first thing I see is red hair, and then.. Mommy. Mommy's touching me. Mommy. "M-Mommy?" I croak out, and she smiles sadly. And then I feel a dip in the bed and look in front of me, next to where Mommy is, and I see Mama. "Mama.." I whisper in disbelief. She smiles at me too, tears running down her cheeks. "Hi honeybee. We said we were coming." She says quietly, and then she pulls me into her arms, resting my head in her lap. My face is frozen in disbelief, I can feel her. I feel Mommy sit down on the bed too, and I hear a little shuffling. "Shh now, Mommy's gonna change you, and then we're gonna go ninight, ok baby?" Mama whispers as she gives me head rubs, and I nod a little, then I feel Mommy opening my diaper. "Goodness honeybee. Poor baby." she says quietly, and I pout a little, now realizing how much I had pottied. Mama starts singing softly now as I feel Mommy wiping me up, and my heavy eyes close. I'm half asleep when Mommy gets the new diaper secured, and I whine quietly when I feel Mama moving, but then I realize she's laying us down. I snuggle into her as much as possible, and then after a few minutes I feel Mommy slide in next to us in the bed. I turn so my back is pressed into Mama, and I'm sandwiched between them. My eyes are still closed but I feel a nipple on my lips, and I gently take it between my lips and hum quietly, knowing it was Mommy. I suckle softly, but within ten minutes I'm fast asleep. "Our little honeybee... We will always be here." I hear them coo softly, and I smile in my sleep and coo back, then I feel them shuffle a little, before they stop moving, and now we're all sleeping peacefully.

Love you all! 💗

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