Happy Birthday, Honeybee

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Mr. Bubbles and I wake up before Mommies, and I slept with them last night so I'm cuddled in between them. I watch Mommy sleep next to me, my back is pressed into Mama's front and Mommy's boobies are in my face for when I wanted suckies. I look at them, her long red hair was covering them up so I couldn't see them too well, but I moved her hair so I could. I coo softly when her nipples come into view and latch to her nipple, beginning to suckle happily. I feel one of their hands stroke my side, and I glance down as I suckle to see it's Mommy's hand, she must've felt me start suckling. I move Mr. Bubbles up above my head and in front of Mommy's face, so he can say good morning to her when she opens her eyes.


I wake up to Serenade's stuffie, Mr. Bubbles, in my face, and I smile sleepily and giggle softly. I feel her suckling so I know she's awake, but I only stroke her side, not saying anything to her yet. "Good morning, Mr. Bubbles." I say softly and kiss his nose, and then I see Sally poke her head up from her pillow and smile at me. "Good morning Mommy." she says in a deep and funny voice, she was pretending to be the stuffie. I try not to giggle when I hear Serenade gasp in surprise and continue suckling, probably waiting to hear more. "Do you know what today is, Mr. Bubbles?" I ask him and Sally replies in the funny voice, "Mm no, what day is it, Mommy?" she says for him and before I could reply I feel my little one stop suckling and look up. "Iss my birdday Mr. Bubbles!" she squeals and we all giggle.
"That's right baby, it is, isn't it?" I coo to her and she sits up on her knees and bounces a little in between Sally and I. "Jumpy little bean." Sally giggles at her and tickles her side, making our baby squeal out in surprise and giggle too.
We stay in bed for awhile longer, talking and tickling and laughing, but then Serenade seems a little uncomfortable as she starts to squirm. "What's up baby?" Sally asks and then I look down and see her diaper has almost soaked through, so I point to it discreetly so Sally knows. "Oh honeybee, we haven't changed you, huh? It's ok!" she says and lifts Serenade up off of the bed, taking her to the end of the bed to change her. I slowly get up, being careful with my spine, and I manage to walk to the diapers by supporting myself with the nearest thing to me, the wall or a desk. I walk over to Sally when I get a diaper and the wipes for her, and she smiles and kisses my head. "Thank you love." she whispers and I smile before looking down at a pouty little Serenade. I lightly touch her nose, making her scrunch it, but she smiles. "Silly girl." I coo and chuckle as she reaches out for me. I take one of her hands and put it over my heart, and I giggle as her eyes get wide with excitement when she feels my heartbeat.


I get our little one cleaned up and once the diapers on her I look up at Mina and see Serenade's hand over her Mommy's heart. I rest my head on Mina's shoulder, smiling down at Serenade and cooing at her. I feel Mina kiss my head and then rest her cheek on me, and my eyes flutter as I take in the moment of perfection. Only when I hear Serenade start to babble in a slightly whiny tone is when I open my eyes, and she's looking at us as she begins to fuss. I slowly pick her up and hold her too me, knowing she was hungry so I look at Mina and wink before grabbing her cane and handing it to her. Serenade knows we're about to go downstairs so she makes grabby hands toward the bed, whining loudly at me. I'm confused, but only for a second because then I realize that she wanted to take Mr. Bubbles downstairs as well. I giggle and Mina grabs him for us, handing it to our baby and then we all head downstairs to the kitchen.
"Alright monkey, what do you want for breakfast?" I ask her and bounce her on my hip a little as I look through the cupboards. She of course answer by squealing, "OATMEAL" in my ear, and I gasp but laugh at her and kiss her head. "Ok little one, but how about we use inside voices, m'kay?" I say softly and she nods and hides behind Mr. Bubbles' head. I chuckle and shake my head a little, pulling out the bin of oatmeal from the cupboard, and I see that Mina has already started boiling the water for me. I smile at my sweet redhead and get Serenade in her highchair, gently taking Mr. Bubbles so he doesn't get dirty and setting him in the chair next to mine. I get her sippy for her, and then Mina comes in with her oatmeal and a cup of tea for me, leaning down to kiss me gently before kissing Serenade's head and sitting down in her chair with her coffee.
After about 20 minutes I'm making the last airplane spoonful land in my baby's mouth. "C'mon baby, one more bite!" I say happily to encourage her, and she finally takes the last bite and Mina and I cheer for her while I wipe her up. I get her out of her highchair and hand her Mr. Bubbles. "Alright baby, go upstairs with Mommy and get into your pretty dress." I say and she lights up, jumping out of my arms and waddles over to Mina, taking her hand and walking up the stairs with her.
As soon as I hear the bedroom door shut, I run to the closet by the front door of the house and pull out the big trash bag of yellow and pink balloons that I had blown up while Mina and Serenade were out the other day. I get the table cloth that Mina had bought specifically for our little ones birthday, it was bright pink with different My Little Pony characters on it, and it was perfect. I set the table up, and cover the seat of Serenade's highchair with a towel. I get the two cakes that I had made from scratch, one was a small personal cake for Serenade, it was yellow and looked like a sunflower, and I had sprinkled the whole cake with edible glitter, so it was very sparkly. The other cake was for Mina and I, it was just a simple chocolate cake with light pink frosting. I put the pink cake on the table, and the sunflower cake on her highchair tray.


Mommy and I go upstairs to our room, and she tells me to get my pretty dress so she can help me put it on. I squeal and run to the closet, grabbing my pretty new pink dress and racing back over to Mommy, who was now sitting on the bed. I hand her the dress and quickly take off my jammie shirt all by myself, eager to get the dress on. "Baby, breathe for a minute." I hear her say and I just huff out, reaching for the dress after I've gotten the shirt off but she moves it out of my reach, making me whine slightly and pout at her. "Honeybee, I know you are so excited, but we have to try to not go so fast, ok? Just go a little slower." she says and I slowly nod and she finally hands me the dress. I kiss her cheek and slowly get the dress over on top of my head, but I can't get my head through the hole and start to freak out a little. "Mommy!" I say in panic, but then I feel a tug and my head pops through. I look at her, still frazzled, and my breathing gets heavy, that was so scary! She makes soft hushy noises and pulls my head to her chest, holding it there and rocking me slightly. "It's alright baby, you're ok." she whispers and I relax again, letting out a big breath and closing my eyes for a moment. Once I feel completely calm again, I pull away and let her straighten up my dress, and I smile proudly and bounce on my feet excitedly. "You are so pretty little one!" she says and I blush and giggle happily, and then I run to the closet and get out her favorite purple dress, coming back and giving it to her. "You now Mommy!" I squeal and she chuckles and unties her robe. I help her slip it off her shoulders as she stays seated on the bed, and then I help her pull the dress over her head carefully. My Mommy needs extra help getting dressed sometimes, just like I do! And I love my Mommy, so I help her! Her head pops out from the hole of the dress and she says, "Boo!" making me laugh a lot! We get her long red hair out of the dress and I run my fingers through it for a moment. "All done now?" I ask sweetly but before she could answer the door opens, and Mama comes in with a wide smile. "Are my sweets all dressed?" she asks and I leap up on her and nod excitedly, opening my arms to show her my dress. "So so beautiful monkey!" she coos and I giggle and kiss her cheek before looking over at Mommy, whos standing now and right next to us. "How about.. we go downstairs?" Mommy asks and I see her wink at Mama, but I don't know why. Mama nods at her and winks back, and then I look at the both of them and try to wink too, but I just end up squeezing both of my eyes shut, making them giggle at me.
They walk me downstairs and I babble to them excitedly, just excited to spend the whole day with them. When we get all the way down the steps Mama sets me down and the first thing I see is balloons, but I immediately light up. I look around some more and see presents in the corner, and then I run into the dining room and see CAKE! and a My Little Pony table! I start jumping up and down and squealing, racing over to Mommy and Mama and hugging them both. They both smile widely at me and hug me back. "Why don't we open your presents first, and then we can have cake?" Mommy says and I nod and pull them into the living room, sitting next to the presents and bouncing on my bottom. Mama gets out her phone and I smile big so she can take pictures, and I even make some silly faces too, making both of them laugh! Eventually Mama puts the phone away and they tell me to open up a present, which I eagerly do. The first present I got is a new bedtime book for them to read to me about a panda bear! And then the next present was another new dress! And the last one is a BRAND NEW PACI!!! I'm most excited about this one, it's got my name on it, and it's yellow! I want to use it right away but Mama says she has to wash it before I can use it, so I give it to her and pout a little, until Mommy says its CAKE TIME!
Mama and Mommy take off my dress and put me in my highchair, and I see a flower cake on my tray and clap my hands excitedly. They put a bib on me and take pictures, and then they tell me I can eat it with my hands! I put my hand in the frosting first, and it felt so funny on my hand. I sunk deeper into the cake and grabbed a handful, eagerly shoving it in my face and looking at Mama and Mommy with wide eyes, it was SO YUMMY! I use my other hand and grab another handful, shoving it in my face again and completely oblivious to the fact that I was smearing cake and frosting all over myself. I was having the best time EVER!

Mina and Sally

Our precious Serenade is making the biggest mess, but it's the cutest sight we've ever seen. We coo and laugh at her as she babbles with cake on her face and in her mouth, and giggle loudly as she smack the cake with her hands.
We let her play in the cake for about half an hour, but then she start's getting fussy, she was probably realizing how messy she was being and wanted to be clean. We get her upstairs and in the bath, and by the time she's cleaned up, she's tired and wanting a nap, which was perfect because the house was now a mess, and we needed a chance to clean up. We get her laid down to sleep and go downstairs, cleaning everything up and once that's finished we sit at the table and share a piece of the pink cake, smiling widely to each other as we both declare this to be one of the most memorable days we will ever have.

:) Love you all!

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