8: To Get So Lost That No One Could Ever Find Me

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In Y/n's mind, a battle was going on and it felt as if she was losing.

Everything that happened with Kenjii hit her hard. Especially with the way he looked like her.

Like he didn't even know who she was anymore.

Kenjii was all she ever had in the world and with that being a possible person she had just lost, she didn't even want to continue.

All they ever had was each other. The happiest day of her life was the day she met the brunet.

Meeting in a grocery store, it was more like a corner shop.

Y/n's parents were both sent to jail for the murder of multiple people.

The media called them the modern Bonnie and Clyde.

She ran away before social services came to put her in an orphanage.

She took her mother's purse and fathers wallet before sprinting down the street, apologizing quickly to the people she bumped into.

No one questioned why a thirteen-year-old was running like if she was being chased after by a murder or some sort of predator.

She ran and ran till her legs eventually gave out. She panted, desperately awaiting the oxygen to invade her system

Her eyes locked to a corner shop; the young girl decided on buying a drink.

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