Part 6

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-3rd person POV-
"Ok let's go" luffy said as he grabbed her hand to lead her to the boat they walked for some time before they reached the harbor just as they were about to get on they heard a voice from behind.

"Y/n where are you going? I hope your not trying to start trouble" y/n turned around slowly and waved "so your y/n I guess you'll do" "Excuse me" y/n said "y/n this is who your marrying his name is Jackson" "I'm not marrying anyone are you an idiot I said no years ago why would my answer change"

"Well you don't have a choice I'm your mother and you'll do as I say do you understand" "I'm not marr-" "No" luffy interrupted "I'm sorry who are you and what do you want from y/n" "your not going to sell her of to some guy for money and she already said no"he states clearly upset "luffy" y/n says as she tug's softly on his shirt trying to calm him down "who is this man y/n"your mother said "he is my captain" "captain" your dad had finally said something "yup he's the captain and im in his crew if you don't get it we're pirates"the man that was with your parents turned to them then they started whispering to each other "luffy! Luffy! LUFFY" you hear in the distance it kind of sounds like "luffy!!" Nami "LUFFY" another one zoro? "Captain!!" Rodin "look guys he's over here" with that you could hear Nami coming to beat luffys ass again for leaving without saying a word "luffy you lit- oh y/n what are you doing here"

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