Retsu x M husband

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Retsu as usual was training hard with his friends trying To perfect his martial arts.

He stops to take a break . To call his lover because he realizes he had forgotten something.

Restu - Hey hun I forgot to grab the lunch you made for me , can you bring it to me if you don't mind.

Y/n - Hi honey, oh and yeah I'll be there in 10 minutes cya then love.

~10 minutes later ~

(Y/n pov)
I arrived where I was supposed to meet him.
Walks inside and see my handsome husband standing there shirtless.
Hey I brought your lunch that you asked for hun.

(Retsu pov)
Thanks dear, I don't know what I'd do without you or your cooking .
Oh I wanted to introduce you to the guys if you done mind.

Y/n - Oh no not at all I don't mind . I'd loved to meet them .
(Retsu POV)
I know noticed that It suddenly got quiet as both y/n and I start talking making them turn about to see the other guys watching a certain someone. They were all looking at you since they hadn't seen him around here before .

Retsu-Guys come over here there's someone I want you all to meet.

The guys suddenly heads over towards the couple. And started immediately asking lots of questions.
Doppo - retsu who is this guy and how do you know him ?

Baki - Are you guys like related or something?

Retsu- okay enough with the questions I'll tell you .

Retsu grabs your hand and locks them together .the guys had a puzzled look on there faces .
This handsome man right here is my lovely husband of 5 years 😍 .

Hanayama - "I didn't take you as the type that would swing the other way, not that its a bad thing ".

Baki- well uh congrats on the 5 years man , he smiled .

Retsu- thanks guys . Anways I just gonna pack my stuff and head home with my husband for today since I've done enough training for the day.

Y/n and retsu say their goodbyes ad they head out the door and head straight home.

Hey guys thanks for the votes BTW and I just appreciate it some much that people love reading my books. Also there gonna be lots of new characters and chapters coming soon so follow me to stay tuned on when I'm gonna be posting other chapters. Byee 💚 💙 💚 💙.

Baki characters x Male reader (COMPLETED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin