Chapter 5 - The Accident

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The sun rose however it was barely seen thanks to the heavy clouds that darkened the skies. It wasn't raining but it worried everyone quite a bit. Especially when they noticed that Pepa wasn't the one making the skies grey. However sun or no sun, there were responsibilities the Madrigals needed to tend to. After all the town still relied on them as their leaders. 

"The weather does not seem quite right today. I will go help Julieta in town, just in case." Bruno finished getting ready for the day and turned towards you. Since you were now getting out of your little home. "Want to come into town with me? You can take the opportunity to explore around too so you don't get bored while I work."

You nodded a tired yes and let him put you on his shoulder.

Once you both made it to town, you saw a long line forming. Julieta had arrived a little early and had already began treating her patients with a delicious remedy. Bruno petted your head lightly before saying his goodbye. "I believe you'll like this place. Be careful around. I'll see ya later Mousy."

You nodded in approval and climbed down. You made your way safely around town. You saw the shops, the townsfolks and even some lost donkeys on the main street. It only made you smile. Then you headed towards the split mountain where the clearing of the river was. Ever since you saw that place in the movie you decided to visit the place if you ever got to shift there. And right now, was your golden opportunity. You walked and walked, even though your steps were shorter you could move rather easy and fast so the trip didn't feel too long. After a while you could hear the gentle current of the water signaling that you made it.  You took a moment to enjoy the scenery. It was beautiful. However given your small height you weren't able to fully appreciate it. So an idea came to mind, why not climb the tree and admire it from the branch nearest to the river? And So you did. You climbed the tree and made your way towards the branch that extended to the water. God, that was amazing and beautiful. The colors were vibrant however they grew darker in tone as the clouds kept gathering above.

It wasn't long when the rhinestones started falling from the sky. First at a slow pace, here and there and it gave the river a wonderful and peaceful atmosphere but then the skies broke in an intense pour. The storm had arrived. The winds pushed the branches of every tree. They fought and returned to their natural position but the wind again pushed them back. You were on top of a young weak branch that moved violently against the wind and you could feel the vibration of the rain hitting the branch on your paws. Nature was amazing but pretty darn scary for someone mouse size. You tried to head back to the main tree and seek refuge but the wind and the rain were against the idea. Soon, you slipped and fell down in the current of the river. This one was strong too. It pushed you down and you fought to stay afloat. You swam and swam giving all of yourself to fight the current and reach the shore. More than once you were submerged. While underwater you took a good look around and saw a rock formation ahead. It wasn't big at all but it was enough for you. You tried to take advantage of the current and swam towards that direction however it wasn't long when a cackling sound filled your ears and followed by an old branch falling over you. Knocking you out of the desired reality...


You opened your eyes in a gasp and sat abruptly on the bed. Your heart beat faster and tears started rolling down your face. Soon, your whole chest and face were brimming with emotion, a hurricane of emotions. That experience had been awful, stressful, and a lonely way for life to end. It hurt deeply and vividly.

Once the sun started peeking out from behind the clouds in your heart you stood up to get a huge cup of water, clean your face and tend to other necessities. Soon a thought crossed your mind "Bruno is probably worried. Oh no!! I have to go back and soon!"

The next day you laid on your back, with good subliminals and a very peaceful heart. You have read your script before and started your method to shift realities. However you were only visited by sleep. Day after died you tried. Decided to take a few days as break and still nothing. You weren't able to visit your Encanto desired reality. With each day it passed you grew even more worried about Bruno. You needed to know if he was fine, you needed to know if your mousy body was fine too. But still, nothing.

A month passed... nothing.

A second month passed... nothing.

A third month passed... bingo!

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