The Audition

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A/N - I just want to say I honestly have no idea how auditions for a play work, or if this is even close to realistic. Also, the play Joey is auditioning for is a small production of the play Angels in America. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!


Joey's POV

Joey arrived at his audition a few minutes early. He was led to a room where the other actors who were auditioning for the same part were waiting. There were about 10 other guys in the room, most of them reviewing their lines until they got called in by the casting director. Joey sat down in an open seat and did the same, trying to distract himself from his nerves. He wasn't feeling as bad as he had that morning, what Chandler had said really had helped him. Joey's thoughts turned away from the audition and towards his best friend. He was so lucky to have a friend like Chandler. He always made him feel better, no matter how bummed out he was feeling. He couldn't imagine his life without him. 

Joey was pulled away from his thoughts when the casting director came into the room.

"Hello everyone, I'm sorry for the delay. My name is Eric, I am in charge of casting for this production, so I'll be running the auditions. As you all know, the part you are auditioning for is Joe Pitt, a closeted gay man who struggles with his sexual identity throughout the play. For us, authenticity is very important, and although this should have already been told to you, we would prefer to cast a gay man in this role. I also believe that it is more respectful to the character if the person portraying his story is someone who can relate to it personally. So if any of you don't fit this criteria, please don't bother auditioning." 

Joey's heart dropped. He couldn't go through with this audition, since he is totally, one hundred percent straight.  He knew he should just get up and leave, but he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to leave the audition for such a great part. It was the biggest role he'd been offered in a while, and he really needed the job. Plus, he had heard those other guys rehearsing, and most of them weren't even that good, so if he auditioned there was a good chance he could get the part. He sat there contemplating his options for about 10 minutes before he was forced to make a decision.

"Joey Tribbiani, you're up." Eric scanned the room, waiting for someone to stand up, but no one did. "Joey Tribbiani? Is there a Joey here?"

Alright Joey, you know what you've gotta do. Joey thought to himself. I can't pretend to be gay, that ain't right. I'll find another part that's just as good as this one. Yeah, no big deal, I'll find another role to audition for, one that isn't written for a gay guy. Whatever I do, I won't be taking this audition.


Chandler's POV

Chandler walked into his apartment and noticed Joey sitting on his arm chair with the TV on. He greeted his friend in a cautious voice, nervous to hear the results of his audition. 

"Hey Joey, how was the audition?" Joey turned around to face Chandler and looked at him with a horrible, disappointed look on his face.   

"Take a guess."

"That bad?" Joey looked at Chandler for another second before breaking into a huge smile.

"Nah, it went great! I got the part!" 

"That's great, I'm so happy for you man!" Chandler walked over to Joey and gave him a crushing hug. He was so proud of his best friend, and so happy that his luck seemed to finally be turning around. Joey pulled away from the hug. 

"There's just one thing." 

Joey lowered his gaze to the ground. "I kinda have to pretend to be gay..."

Chandler's smile shifted to a look of slight confusion. 

"What's wrong with that? You've played gay guys before." 

"That's not it. I have to pretend to be gay... for real. They said they only wanted someone who's actually gay to play the part, but I really needed this..." Joey trailed off. 

"Oh, that's... honestly, I don't know what to say to that. I can't believe you lied about being gay, I'm pretty sure that's not okay, man. And even if it was okay, there's no way someone won't figure it out. I mean, you have a date with a woman tonight, what if someone sees you?" Joey looked back up at Chandler, his face serious.

"You don't think I've thought about that? I cancelled my date for tonight, and the ones I had lined up for the rest of the month. Plus, I've got a really good plan. I'm gonna get a boyfriend!" 

Chandler looked at Joey in disbelief. Was he serious? Joey had done some intense things to land a part, but this had to be his most... interesting plan to date. He didn't want to ruin his friend's idea, but he had a few things he needed to point out.

"Okay, there are two things wrong with that. One, you're not gay. Two, dating a guy just so you can get a part is definitely wrong, you can't use someone like that," Chandler said. That's when Joey put on the face he used when he needed something from Chandler, and Chandler became very worried about what was coming next. 

"That's where I was hopin' you would come in. I know I can't get a real boyfriend for this, but I thought maybe you could pretend to-"

"Nope, no way, absolutely not," Chandler interrupted before starting to walk towards his room. This conversation had become very uncomfortable for him, and he needed to get away from Joey before his friend convinced him to do something stupid. Unfortunately, Joey cut him off at his door. 

"Oh come on, please? It's only for two months, then we can 'break up' and never talk about this again. I really need this part Chandler. I swear I'll never ask you for anythin' ever again." Yeah right, Chandler thought. He tried to step around Joey and ignore him, but deep down he knew he didn't stand a chance. Joey had that puppy-dog look on his face that for some reason Chandler could never say no to. Why did his best friend have to be so adorable- Chandler interrupted his own thoughts. No, not adorable, damn it Chandler, think of something manly! Beer, women, football...

But no matter how many manly things Chandler thought about, he knew he didn't really stand a chance. After another 5 whole minutes of Joey's persistent begging, Chandler finally gave in. 

"Alright, alright! I'll do it. But as soon as your play is over we are never talking about this again."

Joey's face lit up with a huge grin, and for a second the feeling of dread in Chandler's stomach disappeared. He embraced Chandler in a tight hug. 

"Thanks man, I owe you one."

"Oh you owe me way more than one, pal." He pulled away from the hug. "But if I'm going to do this, we have to set some ground rules. We only act like a couple when someone from your play is around. And I won't do anything more than holding hands, and maybe, MAYBE, a kiss on the cheek."

"Alright, whatever you say man. Hey, we should have some beers to celebrate. How great is this, I'm gonna be a Broadway star!"

"Sounds great," Chandler replied, unable to hold back a smile any longer after seeing his friends excitement. 

Joey brought over a cold beer for each of them, while Chandler turned on the TV. Die Hard was on, and the two of them sat together to watch it. Every once in a while, Chandler looked over at Joey, who was reacting to the movie like it was his first time seeing it, and thought that maybe dating him wouldn't be so bad after all. 

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