When you arrived to the said school, you didn't fail to take whiff of the familiar sweet scent that filled the air causing for your stomach to growl. You cocked your head to the side before taking out a strawberry flavor lollipop from your jacket's pocket.

Then you proceed walking inside of the white building.

You had dismissed the thought of why is there a couple of body laying on the floor and even stepped on one of them, ignoring the pained groan of the young man beneath your feet as you saunter your way through Takemichi's classroom.

"Takemicchi! Let's hang out!" You halted on your tracks when the familiar voice of Mikey had reached your ears.

Soon enough, the tall young man— Draken had emerged from Takemichi's classroom and immediately locked eyes with you the moment he got out. Mikey and your human followed behind him with Takemichi's eyes widening when he saw you.

"(Name)! Thank god you're okay!" The piss blonde haired male cried out as he run to you, wrapping his lanky arms around your shoulder while crying comical tears, "You didn't come to my house last night and you weren't in yours too! I got so worried!"

Laughing under your breath, your hand raised in the air as you continue to give him head pats while wrapping your other arm around his torso to ease the tension on his shoulders.

"I slept at my love's house, I don't have a phone so I couldn't contact you." You stated, apologetic smile shot towards his direction, "And look! I brought you a lunch!" You lifted the lunch box for him to see and surely, he ended up crying again.

Takemichi decided to ignore what you just said and continued to cling to you, thankful that you aren't hurt and he's not going alone with the Toman leaders.

"Sheesh, is he really a man?" Draken spoke from behind him with his hands tucked inside of his pants pocket. "He won't stop crying."

Your only response was a laugh— that left Takemichi, Draken and Mikey feeling satisfied from hearing your cheerful outburst. If badmouthing or degrading someone will make you laugh like this then the three of them wouldn't mind doing it everyday.

"Oi! Go and line up, lay on your stomachs." Draken suddenly yelled out which made the thugs on the ground do as he says.

You pulled away from Takemichi and raised an eyebrow when every one of them started to line up, "What happened to them?" You asked, feigning innocence even though you dismissed it earlier.

"Ha? Well, they were annoying me so I beat them up." Draken said with a roll of his shoulders.

You nodded your head and watched as Mikey started to jumped on their back with the tall blonde following his leader's action, the two of them laughing deviously upon hearing the pained groan of the thugs underneath their feet.

Takemichi flinched when you slipped your hand to his wrist, tugging him where the other two blondes were going and your favorite human let you drag him towards them.

"Where do you want to eat your lunch, mochi?" You asked with you glancing over your shoulder to look at the mentioned boy.

"I don't know.. As long as I can eat then it's fine, do you need to drop the other lunch box on Hina-chan's classroom?" Takemichi tilted his head while asking you the innocent question, you smiled and opened your mouth to say your reply.

But the sound of someone getting slap echoed throughout the hallway which made you and Takemichi halt in your tracks.

"What ha—" You stopped from talking and your eyes widened when you saw Hinata glaring at Mikey, her hand raised in the air, opposite direction where her arm should be and the almost reddening skin on the blonde's cheek is almost noticeable.

Did Hinata just slap Mikey? Yes, she did.

You inhaled sharply and knew that there's going to be a trouble, one way or another, so you waited for Hinata to walk over towards you and her lover before stepping away from them.

Your eyes trail at her hand— seeing her trembling before you snapped out of your thoughts when you saw Draken's large hand had grip her wrist.

Your body acted on impulse and your hand immediately slapped his hand away with an unintentional force which causes for Draken to stumble back. You pursed your lips and gave the two blondes a disappointed frown.

"Don't you two dare touch mochi and hina." You stated, voice low and calm while glancing between Draken and Mikey, "Hurt them and I swear that you'll regret it."

A promise that will be fulfilled— Takemichi somehow feel and know that you are not joking nor lying so he stepped in front of you and his lover, his arms spread wide to protect the two of you from the blondes in front of him.

"I won't let you guys hurt (name) and Hina-chan— I don't want to lose her again so you'll have to go through me first!" The piss blonde haired male declared, even though you can feel and see how nervous he is yet he still stood in his ground. 

"Is that so?" Mikey spoke up and looked at you before glancing to Takemichi, "How do you want to die then?"

"Is that so?" Mikey spoke up and looked at you before glancing to Takemichi, "How do you want to die then?"

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word count: 1322

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