Chapter 5

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[On a deck at the sea port]

"Dad!" exclaimed Launcelot, at the sight of his father, Old Gobbo. "Launcelot!" he exclaimed back. It had been almost 3 years since they had seen each other, and were excited for this trip for a very long time.

"I've got a fruit basket for your master, and I want to give it to him myself, so take me there." Gobbo commanded, but Launcelot nervously fidgeted with his fingers and looked down at the ground. His father immediately knew that something was wrong.

"What's wrong, son?" Gobbo asked, trying to meet his eyes.

"I've been thinking about quitting my job there," Launcelot said, slowly looking up to meet his father's eyes. "Shylock treats me like crap and doesn't feed me well, but don't worry, I know another person who's kind enough to give me a job, Bassanio. If I ask him, he might give me a job and fortunately, he's right there, and I hope you would talk to him".

"Sure, come on," Gobbo said, cheerfully, and followed his son through the crowd at the port, to Bassanio.

"Mr. Bassanio?" Launcelot called from a few inches behind Bassanio, who was informed by Antonio that Jessica wanted to meet up there.

"Yes? How can I help you?" Bassanio replied back plainly.

Launcelot moved aside for his father to take the lead and talk to Bassanio about his job with him.

"Good day, my son, I'm Old Gobbo, you can call me Gobbo"

"Good morning, sir"

"This is my son, Launcelot,"Gobbo said, pointing towards Launcelot, "He works with a very wicked master named Shylock"
"Very wicked, indeed"

"I've bought this fruit basket for yo-"

"My dad was wondering if you would hire me"
"Now one of yall do the talking, or rehearse it and come back later, I'm meeting with someone now. Y'all should really go home now and meet me later."

"We don't need anything, just a job for my son."

"Fine, I'll arrange something. Now get going"

As the father and son turned to leave, Bassanio called out to them "Yall forgot to give me the fruit basket"

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