Chapter 4

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When you sat down with the lunch meals, everyone was silent. But Lumine broke the silence after.

Lumine: What did you get in the previous test?

Aether: A+, as always.

Lumine: I bet my grades are higher than yours.

Aether: No way, mine!

Lumine: Um, how's your idol thing going?

Aether: It's going great, but I'm kinda crammed with work.

Lumine: Hey, Y/n, you haven't told me why you wanted to become an idol.

Aether: Oh, right. Why is that?

You: Um...

Lumine: Something wrong...?

You: I...No, it's just that...

"I...don't want to talk about it..."

"Lumine...Aether...I'm actually glad I have friends like you two."

"But I still remember when I got bullied...for trying to..."

"Become an idol...and..."

"And my old friends...they're no longer here."

"My whole school hated me. By "whole school", I mean the students..."

"They would always harass me for my singing and dancing..."


*Insert you singing and dancing to your favorite song*

"Get away from me! You might hit me while you're dancing!"

"Y-You're not that near me at all!"

"You're always bragging about what you will do when you become an idol in the future. Stop doing that, plus your singing is so bad, it hurts my ears!"

"I...My singing isn't that bad, really..."

"Ha! With your current potential, you'll won't be one, and you never will!"

"Stop being so mean!...I...I'll leave if you want...okay?"

"Yeah, that's right! Leave, now!"

"Leave this school like a helpless little coward trying to get away from monsters!"

"You're're all monsters..."

"C'mon, just get out of our sight!"

"Ow!...Okay, I'll convince my parents to let me transfer! Just leave me alone!"


Remembering about your past, tears slowly fall down on your face.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

"Sorry...I can still remember the time I got bullied..."

"Why did you get bullied?"

"Because...of my dream..."

"Which is...?"

"...I wanted to be the best idol ever."

"Huh? But that's practically everybody's dream! Surely they want to become idols too?"

"It's not like that...they kept saying I'm far from what it takes to be I'm bad at singing and dancing...Maybe...maybe I should've not signed up..."

You got up and started walking away from the table. But then you were stopped.

Aether: Wait...please don't quit...

Lumine: You've worked hard to reach your dream. You're right at the first step already, you can't just give up on it now.

Aether: Yeah, and look at you now. Your singing and dancing skills have paid off. Don't stop yet. Plus, we all love how you sing and dance! It's the truth!

Lumine: Mhm! It's not the end of the world, Y/n. So don't feel discouraged by those bullies from the past.

You: Thank you...Thank you so much. I'm...really glad I have friends like you two.

The bell rings, which means it's time to go to the music room.

Lumine: Well then, time to go!

Aether: Today is banner and band logo making for our debut day, so you're gonna help us.

You: Alright. 

Lumine: Have fun then, Y/n!

You: You too, Lumine.

(COMPLETE) A Step Towards Stardom - Genshin 6REEZE x reader IDOL ACADEMY AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt