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Once more you make her laugh as you two begin your dance drawing a few eyes it was not out of Noble disgust, but curiosity

A Noble as far as they knew of a distant land dressed in a style of clothing they've never seen of blacks and greys that even with monotone colors looked more extravagant than whatever they were wearing, then it was the fact that this Noble was an adventurer of the highest caliber yet they did not show any scars nor signs of enduring such a demanding occupation on their pale smooth skin hair was clean reflecting light off their black locks eyes glowing with their yellow iris, and then they even presented themselves in the etiquette of their position standing straight speaking properly even dancing with graceful steps

That is ignoring the fact that you danced between both genders when dressed as Huntsman

And then there was Lakyus, whose beauty accented by light use of makeup outshined the one's of Noblewoman with their heavy use of it, her figure was a form many woman envied as she too was noble like them yet did not share the same form and men desired for the lust of a man knows no bounds yet it was your hand that was resting on her hip, and then there was the fact she was an adamantine rank adventurer which meant nothing in their eyes, but in your eyes meant that was was woman who could uphold herself in a fight

It was no surprise that maids who were hoping to earn their status glared at Lakyus and men started despising you for being able to even dance with her

Lakyus: you are quite the oddity von Cainhurst, if I may intrude what pushed you into becoming an adventurer.

(Y/n): 'alright, time to make some bullshit up' vampires.

Lakyus: vampires? hm, I did hear that your group killed a true vampire thus upgrading you to Adamantite.

(Y/n): captured actually, but yes my family comes from Yharnam where they were killed by vampires.

Lakyus: Yharnam? I've never heard of this place.

(Y/n): well it no longer exist it is a complicated story, but to sum it up we discovered a new healing method by injecting special blood into our body as a healing family took a step forward and consumed it by drinking it.

Lakyus: drinking vam-

You quickly move to covering her using your hat to shroud you two from peeping eyes as you two stopped dancing

(Y/n): shhh...I assure you I am no vampire nor were my family.

She nods letting her mouth free as you returned t dancing

Lakyus: okay, I believe you.

(Y/n): ...then comes a holy order that rejected the way we healed our own we rejected their words, but what we didn't account was that this holy order was made up of vampires and started slaughtering those in the city, the only ones who survived were me, Nabe, and Momon.

Lakyus: so...a band of ex-nobles not vampires-

(Y/n): only me and Nabe are nobles, Momon was our bodyguard.

Lakyus: I see, so two ex-nobles and there bodyguard leave their homeland to become adventurers in order to hunt down the vampires that brought ruin to their home, am I correct?

(Y/n): ...I'd say your spot on, except I merely wish to restart my lineage here.

The music stops the dancers halting soon turning their attention to the king who had been seated for most of the hour stand up stepping down the short steps with a limp

Ramposa: today we are gathered in celebration of defending our great city from not only a demon incursion, but the reappearance of Dark Avarice Dragon lord...

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