Ship Headcannons!

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Mint Choco x Cocoa

- wholesome as all hell

- Cocoa is very clingy to Mint Choco, but he doesn't mind in the slightest

- Favorite dates: listening to classical music and drinking cocoa together

- Whenever he gets nervous, Mint Choco imagines playing for Cocoa

- Sometimes Cocoa will just knock on Mint Choco's door just to give him a glass of cocoa and since time is a social construct there have been times where Cocoa woke Mint Choco up in the middle of the night just to give him some cocoa.

- Sometimes that'll go to the Juice Bar together, but since Vampire just teases Mint Choco nonstop whenever they do, it's not very often as they would like.

- They love to cuddle each other

Werewolf x Kumiho

- Bonded over the fact they both transform into animals and the fact they both have MASSIVE insecurities

- Werewolf is fairly innocent when it comes to stuff regarding relationships, while Kumiho is thirsty as all hell

- Whenever Kumiho says something really thirsty, Werewolf would just get real damn confused as Kumiho struggles to find a way to explain to him without making him uncomfortable

- Favorite dates: Having a picnic in the woods together

- Werewolf pushed Kumiho away at first, and he did so even more as his feelings for her grew. It wasn't until he transformed in front of her to protect her that he realized that she not only wouldn't run away, but could tame him when he lost control

- Both grew comfortable enough to tell the other of their insecurities and act as the other's mental crutch

- Lots of cuddles. Like, LOTS of cuddles

Clover x Parfait

- Play music together everyday

- Go to karaoke a lot, and they make sure to sing at least one duet each time

- Favorite dates: Going to karaoke or simply listening to music together

- Sometimes they'll serenade each other with songs they wrote themselves. There have definitely been times where they both tried to surprise each other with a song at the same time.

- Parfait would often let Clover be the first one to listen to her new songs before she uploads them and even got him to perform with her on her livestreams several times

- In return, Clover would often write poems and stories just for her. It becomes a never-ending cycle of giving and receiving gifts

GingerBrave x Wizard

- They tried to hide it from their friends (especially Chili Pepper) due to fear of non stop teasing for the rest of their lives

- Once Strawberry, Custard, and Chili Pepper found out tho, they just congratulated them. Chili Pepper even said 'I knew it!'

- Turns out Chili Pepper had a bet with Custard over wether or not they were a couple already or not. Custard had to give her some candy he had hidden in his room.

- Favorite dates: taking a walk together

- To get attention, GingerBrave will steal Wizard's hat.

- Wizard acts as GingerBrave's voice of reason and *tries* to keep him out of trouble

- Straight up like GingerBrave probably wouldn't be here without Wizard

- In a life or death situation, both would literally be arguing who should sacrifice themselves

Madeleine x Espresso

- Took a long time to start up

- Once it did it got to the point where if they broke up I would just call love a social construct

- Favorite dates: going on a picnic in a place with nice scenery

- Espresso at first would deny the fact they're together, but Madeleine just proudly stated their relationship like every 15 minutes

- He still does much to Espresso's embarrassment, except now it's every hour

- Speaking of embarrassment, hell yeah they embarrass each other to their friends

- Espresso as revenge, and Madeleine because why not

- Madeleine basically took charge of caring for Espresso's well-being after realizing just how little Espresso takes care of himself

- If it comes down to it, Madeleine will straight up drag Espresso to bed when he overworks himself

- Would die for each other

- Like with GingerBrave and Wizard, they will fight over who sacrifices themselves, just by constantly shoving the other behind them to protect each other

- Yet if one didn't exist, the other probably wouldn't be here

Milk x Purple Yam

- Purple Yam would deny the fact they're together, then Milk would just directly say they're dating in the most casual way ever

- Favorite dates: Training together

- One of the biggest reasons why Purple Yam wants to fight Dark Choco so bad is because he's jealous of how much Milk admires him

- Purple Yam would sometimes use Milk as a pillow because Milk's just Baymax as a cookie

- Milk would respond by letting Purple Yam use him as a pillow, and using him as a stuffed animal. It's fricken adorable

- Milk is the only one that can calm down Purple Yam when he's fricken pissed

- Although there's no way in hell he'll admit this, Purple Yam secretly admires Milk's strength

- And he still gets shook whenever Milk just picks him up with ease, every single time

Herb x Sparkling

- Sparkling's really casually flirty with Herb, which just makes Herb get really fricken flustered

- That just makes Sparkling want to flirt with Herb even more

- Favorite dates: Hanging out at Sparkling's bar

- Herb often will help out at the Juice Bar, even if Sparkling insists he just sit down and enjoy a drink

- Sometimes after the Juice Bar closes, Sparkling will just sit down and pull Herb onto his lap so they could cuddle and be with each other longer

- One time Vampire passed out at the Juice Bar and both Sparkling and Herb forgot he was there

- needless to say, Vampire still teases them over the fact that he caught them in 4K to this day

- Herb is a innocent bean, and Sparkling will defend Herb's innocence with his life

- Sparkling set up a small garden near the Juice Bat, and they take care of it together

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