Part 1

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*Come on Adrienne we gotta get to the airport soon."

"Alright ma I'm coming this the last bag and then I'm ready"

"Ok your dad put the rest in the car already so lock the front door when you come out Ima be outside"

"Ok right behind you"


"Iguess I should tell you who your god mom is before we get there...Adrienne? ....ADRIENNE!"

"Oh..sorry ma I had my headphones in what were you saying?"

"Your god mom is a really good friend of mine and she's very big in the music industry"

"..Well who is it?"


"Mariah, as in Mariah Carey?"

"Yea and your god dad Nick"

"Wow and I never knew this? Are you serious?"

"Well we was suppose to go to a party at their house  few weeks ago but me and your dad got into it so we missed it"

"Nothing new...."

"Watch your mouth Adrienne"



My dad pulled up to the house-well more like Mansion and my dad got all my bags out of the trunk of the truck.  My mom went up to the front doors and rang the door bell, when the doors opened and some lady greeted my mom then a human figure appeared behind the lady. The figure excused the lady from the door and then walked outside and hugged my mom tightly. It was still working in my head that Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon were my God Parents. I don't know how I got so lucky but I did and I was happy as hell. After getting all my bags out of the trunk and walking to the front door with my dad my mom introduced me to Mariah and she gave me a big hug and invited us in the house. But my parents had to go so they hugged and kissed me good bye and drove off to the airport.

"Its so nice to finally meet you Adrienne'

"You too I just found out you was my god mom like 15 minutes ago in the car"

"Oh wow, leave it to Nessa to not tell you something like that earlier"

"Lol yea"

"Well lets go upstairs to your room'


We finally made it up the 100 steps to the big hall way. I followed her to a door in the middle/back of the hallway, the room had to french doors and once she opened them my mouth dropped, the room was amazing and huge.

"Here you go"

"Thanks.. I could get use to this room lol"

"Lol that's good this is yours so when ever you wanna come over any other time your're welcomed."

"Oh really thank you Its amazing"

"I'm glad you like it"

"So um wheres Nick and the twins?" 

"Nick's at the studio with one of his groups and the twins are sleeping"

"Oh alright"

"I'm going to lay down if you need anything my room is the first on the left"

"Alright thanks again"


I started unpacking my things and putting then in drawers, after about 2 hours of putting things in its right place I got alittle hungry so I made my way downstairs and looked in the fridge for something to eat when the side door opened that lead to the garage and I heard about 6 different male laughs.  I stood up straight and looked at the 6 figures walking into the huge kitchen.

"Hey you must be Adrienne"  Nick said when he realized that I was standing in the kitchen with them, "Yea nice to meet you" 

"You too lil mama, oh these are some of the guys that I work with, this is Julian...Dayday... and Langston"

"Hey" they all replied all together.

"Hey, nice to meet yall"

"You too" Dayday replied

"Well excuse see you guys later"

With that I grabbed an apple and my glass of juice and went back up stairs. I figured I'd do my homework since I knew once my break started to get good I would completely forget about it and not do it and that is not how you start off your Senior year.... It took about a half-n-hour to do my anatomy and physics homework and all the guys were still here and having a ball downstairs. I thought that they would of been gone by now but I thought wrong apparently. 

There was a knock on my room door and I went to open it when I saw Langston standing at the door I was suprised and confused...


"Oh uh Mariah said its time for dinner so she sent me up here to get you"

"Oh alright" With that I walked past him closing my room door and made my way back downstairs. once I got there everyone had a plate and was sitting infront of the 72' flat screen that was sittin in the Living room. I made my way into the kitchen to get  my plate and I saw Mariah and Nick talking so  I walked into the living room to let them finish talking.

"Whats your name again?" Julian asked


"Oh ight'


"Adrienne do you know how to play 2k13?" Langston asked playfully

"No not really"

"You suck lol"

"Lmao shut up I'm not into games like yall are ok."

"Alright sure, I'ma call you no baller" 

"Shut up I'm call you stripper boy since you love lap dances oh so much"

"Haha funny, so you do know who we are"

"Of course how could I not every hoe at my school wants to see yall drop ya pants and attack them like prey"

"Haha for real? Maybe we shoul take a trip out to your school"

"Please don't that would be a mess, some boy would probably get arrested"

"Lmao if they get arrested thats their fault for being so damn crazy shit"

"Ha true"

"Yea, where yo food at?

" They was talking and I wasn't gone be all rude and disturb so I'ma wait till they finish then go get my food nosey"

"Ight chill N.B (no baller)."

"Ha...Ha...HA  ain't even funny Stripper boy but is ok i'll let it slide this time."

"Yea th-"

:Alright sorry Adrienne you can go eat now, we didn't mean to make you wait so long." -Mariah

"Oh you're fine"

I got up off the couch and went to the kitchen to make my plate when I heard foot steps behind me ignored them because it was most likely one of the guys. I attempted to reach in the cabinet and get  plate but because I wasn't blessed with the gift of height I couldn't reach them, So I looked back to see Langston standing close behind laughing at me.

"Shut up and get the palte down for me"

"Haha what's the magic word short stuff?"

"Langston can you please get the plate down for me and shut up"

"Close enough"

He reached up in the cabinet and got the plate down for me and then I made my plate. We both made our way back into the living room to eat and for the rest of the night we all just watched movies and played the game and laughed about the most dumbest things ever. The first night went pretty well and to be honest I was surprised. 

Sorry this chapter is short the rest will be better.

My Godmom Is Mariah CareyWhere stories live. Discover now