Chapter 2 ::: An unexpected phone call

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Chapter 2 :::  An unexpected phone call

By the time I reached home, I was completely drenched. Blinking water out of my eyes, I fumbled in my pocket for the house keys, but before I could grasp them, the front door opened. Warm arms wrapped round me, and pulled me into the house.

Warmth embraced me and I sighed contentedly. Someone seated me on the sofa, and I leaned back, closing my eyes.

“Vicky? What happened?” gasped Mum, and I felt her soft hands caressing my cheek. “You look exhausted!”

“It’s raining.” I mumbled, but she heard and tutted. I smiled as I imagined her shaking her head.

“I know that. You should have called me, I would’ve picked you up,” she muttered. “You went out with Sam, what happened to him?”

Sam. Thinking his name triggered the memory of what happened earlier, and the tears started again. Sobbing, I allowed my mother to hold me and sooth me, stroking my wet hair.

“It’s alright, it’s alright.” Mum kept repeating the same thing, but they were lies. Nothing was going to be alright.

Sam was leaving tomorrow, and I’d probably never see him again. I couldn’t bear that, and everyone who knew us, knew that. i had no idea why he had gotten so worked up over…nothing. How could that girl love him more than I did? I didn’t even know her! How could he even think she loved him more than I did?

Fury surged through me as I realised how stupid Sam had been. But Sam was a lot of things, and stupid was not one of them. He had gotten frustrated and furious for a reason, one which was yet to be explained.

Finally, after about ten minutes (it really felt like hours), I stopped crying, and wiped the few stray tears which escaped. Mum stared at me, shocked, as I stood up and ran upstairs to my room, unable to face her persistent questioning.

Quietly, I let rip of all the swear words I knew, and cursed Sam over and over again.

What the hell was wrong with him? Well, everything, but still!

Suddenly, my phone rang loudly, making me jump about a foot into the air. I grabbed the phone and put it to my ear.

It rang again shrilly and I winced as it blasted the ringtone, right in my ear. Rolling my eyes at my own stupidity, I brought it down enough so I could see the screen, and pressed the ‘answer’ Button.

“Hello, Vicky speaking?”

“Hi, Vicks.” It was a male voice, deep and low, but sounded somehow familiar.

“Who is this?”

“Vicky, don’t you remember me?”

I racked my brains to remember the voice, but I came up blank. “No, just tell me who you are.”

“It’s David Letterman, Vicks, remember?”

Oh goodness, not him. Anyone but him.

You see, David was this guy, very stalker-ish, who had a crush on me last year, and he would not leave me alone. He was convinced he was in love with me, and we were ‘soul mates’. I mean, give me a break. That’s just pathetic! He was quite ugly, with cropped dark hair, and always reeking of sweat even though he hated sports. He’d moved away after about six months- I didn’t bother finding out where, though.

Sam liked to tease me about him, but I threatened to go out with David. That shut him up for good.

“Vicks, you there?”

Vicks. How ridiculous. Only David Letterman could be so sad to call me that stupid nickname. I hated it, and no one else called me it.

“Are you there?” he sounded frustrated, and I realised I hadn’t answered him.

“David, how did you get my number?” I demanded, frowning.

“I have my sources. Now, would you be excited to see me?”

I sucked in air between my teeth, and let it all out through my open mouth. “David, are you coming into town?”

“Yes, Vick, sweetie,” he trilled, and I winced at the sickening nickname. “I’m coming to see you! I missed you for so long, but now we will be reunited!” he sang in a girly voice which I hoped wasn’t his.

“Uh, David, when are you coming?”

“In a week, darling. This is your address, right?” he read out a strange address to me, and I almost burst out laughing.

I remembered I’d given him a random address just before he left, made one up, and he’d seemed content. He still had it, and no way in hell was I going to correct him!

We hung up after he finished assuring me he had lots of gifts, like chocolate, but I just said I had to go, and cut the call. I was in it for the chocolate, but with David Letterman involved…no thanks!

Seconds after I lowered my hand with the phone in it and closed my eyes, it rang shrilly again, illuminating the screen and scaring the life out of me. I leapt about a foot into the air, throwing my phone up too, and caught it before it dropped to the floor. It slipped out of my grip and I juggled with it, trying to get a firm grip on it.

Stupid phone. I need to answer my call, why won’t you let me? Just because you hate me…oh! I know why it hates me! It has a grudge against me for that time when I accidentally dropped it out of the car onto the road!

“Poor baby, I’m sorry…” I cooed softly.

That did it! I held it tightly and brought it up to my ear, pressing the answer button. “Hello?”

“Victoria Evans!” I recognised that voice! “You haven’t called me in a month!”


Sorry I didn't write more, but i was really tired. 

What did you think? I need some feedback, people! 

Can someone please make me a cover for this story? Thanks so much! =D ILY xx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2011 ⏰

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