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Summary:Y/n has a secret that jj desperately wants to know

"Y/N TELL ME YOUR SECRET!" Jj demands holding me over the hedge of the HMS Pogue.

"No! Jj don't you dare throw me off this boat" I laugh
Jj sends me that famous smile of his and then proceeds to throws me off boat.

"Uhhhhh I hate you maybank" I say with a wide grin

"Yeah I love you too y/n" Jj says

"Can you guys shut up I'm trying to sleep"John b scolds us

Me and jj both start laughing at John b for being so grumpy


Me and the Pogues were at the wreck having a nice peaceful lunch or so I thought.

"So y/n what is this secret jj can't stop talking about"
Pope whispered

I glare at him for bringing it up.

"Oh yeah (y/n) when are you going to tell me about it huh" Jj says

"Mmmm how about never"

"Uhhh whatever " jj states throwing a chip at me

"Oi!" I shout


We were all at the beach me and jj were the only ones sitting in the sand and the rest of the pogues were having fun in the water.I looked towards jj he looked almost annoyed, angry about something.

"Hey jj are you alright" I said slightly concerned

"I thought we were bestfriends  y/n we don't keep secrets from each other but clearly we aren't bestfriends because your keeping secrets from me "Jj mumbled very quietly but loudly enough for me to hear him over the sound of crashing waves and faint laughs.

I sighed "Jj we are bestfriends the secret is not important it's just something silly you know if it was  important I would of told you" I placed my hand on his thigh "I promise" I continued

"Really"He commented

"100%" I said as I kissed his cheek

He smiled at me which I gladly returned. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked at the crystal blue sea which surrounded our friends .

But what you will never know is that my secret is that I love you.

✨Jj Maybank imagines✨Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora