"Oh. Uhh… sorry about that. Anyway, my name is Reno and please make me your sidekick." Said Reno as she suddenly latched on to Saitama's leg.

"No." Said Saitama with a bland expression.

Silence after Saitama said that. Reno's eyes blink and rub it before looking at him again only to see a bland expression of Saitama.

"W-why!? Why won't you accept me as your sidekick!?" Exclaimed Reno as her eyes began tearing up.

"Why would I? I already have a disciple." Said Saitama as he tries to get Reno off his leg without hurting her.

"What!? Why does she get it and not me!? Tell me, Mister Hero!" Exclaimed Reno as she cries more and more by every second and tightens her grip on Saitama's leg.

"Well, I accidentally told him that he can become my disciple. Well, he's a cyborg so I have to lie to him when he wants to learn something from me." Said Saitama as he felt bad for lying towards Genos.

"Wait… so you lied his entire life from learning from you?" Said Cleveland as she felt bad for Genos.

"Well, what do I do? I don't want to break his heart and losing him is harder than you think." Said Saitama.

"And also can you let go of your leg and stop crying, you'll cause a scene." Said Saitama as he continues to prior Reno from his leg.

Reno finally lets go of Saitama's leg and stops crying then stands up next to Cleveland. Saitama looks at both of the girls before he sighs and puts back the clothes where. He began walking past Reno and Cleveland and went to the front exit.

Cleveland and Reno look at each other and look confused as to why he abruptly leaves without saying anything. Cleveland looks back where Saitama was standing and looks at the clothes he wanted to buy.

Saitama was walking around the base of Azur Lane to at least cool down his boredom. He looks around and sees that the girls in this place were looking at him weirdly. But he ignored them and continued walking until he saw what seemed to be a video game store.

He may not have money but at least he could at least decrease his boredom by watching someone playing or seeing photos of the game.

As he was in front of the store he went inside and see there were not many people there. He looks around and finds the fighting games aisle.

When he was in the aisle he sees a girl who was wearing a blue jacket and white shirt underneath and a necktie. She doesn't seem to be wearing any pants and has what seems to be a headphone that has a plane attached to her head. 

She was at the end of the aisle and was crouching and was looking for something maybe she was looking for a fun game for her.

Saitama ignored her and joined her searching for a game. But Saitama doesn't want to buy them but want to see how fun they are.

"Oh, there you are Saitama." Saitama turned his head and see that it was a blond hair girl with a silver-haired girl. He also sees that the blond one was holding a brown bag in her right hand.

"What do want?" Said Saitama. The blond-haired girl moved forward and give him the bag.

"We wanted to thank you for saving the girls from harm and possibly death." Said Cleveland as she explains why she gave him the brown bag. Saitama looks in it and sees that it was clothing that he couldn't buy.

"I saw you put the clothes back and concluded that you don't have any money in you don't ya?" Said Cleveland.

"Well, the money currency is gems. And I only have Yen in my pocket." Said Saitama as he shows his money.

Both of the girls look at his money and see it was Yen money but it wasn't many.

"Well, why don't join us? We earn a lot of money and gems from the government for our effort against the sirens." Said Cleveland as she give Saitama an idea on how to earn both money and gems.

Saitama thinks deeply about it. "Where do I sign in?" Said Saitama as he accepts the offer even though he forgot that he was already assigned to Azur Lane.

"Alright! I and Reno will go and prepare a document for you to become a part of Azur Lane. This will take a long time so why don't you get to know others so it can be easy for you to live here." Said Cleveland as she and Reno began running towards the main base of the place to document Saitama.

Saitama continues looking for a game before he sees the girl who was in the aisle was playing a game with her phone.

He took a peek at what she was playing and see that she was playing what seems to be an RPG game. The girl was sitting at a desk near the front window.

"Umm can you stare at me? You're creeping me out." Said as she turns off the game before facing Saitama.

"Sorry I was bored and I saw you were playing a game so I decided to watch you play it." Said Saitama truthfully and doesn't know what situation he's in.

"Why? Don't you have your phone?" Said the girl as she was confused as to why he didn't play on his phone.

"I don't have any I'm broke." Said Saitama.

"Then find a job."

"Can't they tell me not to leave this place or I'll become wanted." Said Saitama as he explains why he doesn't have a job.

The girl sighs before continuing playing the game on her phone and Saitama continues watching her playing the game.

To be continued.

A Hero on an unknown worldWhere stories live. Discover now