Act I Chapter 1: Awakening

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A/N: If you have not read Sonic Legacy volume 1, please read it before continuing with this otherwise a lot of this will not make sense. All art in this is made by me unless stated otherwise.

"Whisper, you need to run!" Slinger's voice echoed as Whisper snapped awake. Her cyan wisp flew next to her, Whisper patting it on the head. She was in her bedroom inside of an old military base lodged into a mountain. She looked over at the clock, it being 6:47 AM. She rolled over and grabbed her mask, noticing a mysterious flashing icon on it's HUD... Putting it on, she realized what it was...

"Slinger - Status: ACTIVE."

Whisper nearly slung the mask upon seeing it, growling
"Mimic, if you're impersonating him again..." She said internally, snarling. Suddenly a message from "Slinger" appeared, Whisper hesitating to read it
"Whisp, it's me. I need to see you."
The message took her by surprise, and the cyan wisp looked over her shoulder, her hands clenched as she breathed heavily. Suddenly coordinates appeared from Slinger's message
"Please. I know you're still out there." he then said. Whisper got up, grabbing her Variable Wispon MK II and her belt filled with Wisp capsules. Getting into one of the old military trucks parked outside, she drove to the coordinates in about 10 minutes, nearly flipping the truck a few times with how fast she was going. The coordinates led to a cave, unassuming but Whisper turned on her mask's night vision mode just in case. Searching the cave wasn't the hardest of tasks, was mostly tight corridors. That is, until she reached a large room in the cave, roughly the size of a movie theater. She could see military equipment and wispon cleaning supplies. Suddenly Whisper felt a gun barrel on the back of her head, hearing an Australian voice
"Turn around."
Whisper had a hand on her combat knife as she spun around, flood lights on the ceiling switching on to reveal Slinger! He lowered the wispon as he realized it was her and smiled before holstering it, pulling Whisper into a hug
"Whisper... I knew you'd still be alive." he said quietly, Whisper smiling as she hugged him. Slinger then pulled back
"Where's Mimic? Did he follow you!?"
"No, he's been dead for 3 years. I thought you were him impersonating yourself for a moment."
Slinger smiled
"Mimic could never be as good as me, even if he stole my identity. So... He's dead? Like, dead dead?"
Whisper nodded, Slinger nodding in return. "And... Sorry."
"For what?"
"The others, they... Didn't make it."
"I thought you all died." Whisper said, shrugging. Slinger nodded
"Went off grid in case Mimic or Eggman chased me." he said as he sat down. Whisper sat opposite to him, noticing his new outfit. As if he wasn't enough of a gunslinger before with his revolver wispon and poncho, he definitely was one now with his fancy vest and pants, an old fashioned gun belt on. Whisper then heard Tangle on the radio
"Whisp, we got a situation, you're gonna want to be here!"
"Tangle, where are you!?" Whisper asked, Slinger looking confused.
"Sending you the coordinates. You need to get here fast!"
Whisper sighed before looking at her comrade "Guess we have to cut the reunion short, my best friend needs me."
"I'll go with you, if that's okay." Slinger said, Whisper nodding. They headed to the truck, Whisper getting in and driving them towards the area.
"So... What happened?" Whisper asked, her eyes on the dirt road.
"What do you mean?"
"After the ambush."
"Mimic signaled it, I told you to run as the robots swarmed us. I got a hit on Mimic but it was just a graze. Smithy tried his best to cover us but his spike wispon overheated and that's when they got him. Claire and I almost got to the door but they had a sniper and were waiting for us. I should've been able to see them but it went too fast... All it took was one shot and Claire was gone," Slinger said, Whisper tensing up. Slinger continued "Then the world slowed down, I fought like hell... I managed to get their bodies out and give them a proper burial, but I never found your body. I knew Mimic would hunt me down for sure so I went off the grid, tried to stay hidden in that cave. Fought some mercenaries and Eggman's machines when I got the chance, but I don't think Mimic suspected a thing." Slinger said, Whisper sighing. Slinger looked over
"I'm sorry Whisp."
"Its fine. I... Made some friends, you should be able to meet some of them today." Whisper said as she tried to lighten the mood. Slinger smiled a little, still feeling grief over his comrades. They reached the location, the edge of a forest, Whisper stopping the truck and the two getting out. They could see a large dreadnought, brutish in appearance with it's thick armor plating and dark red color. Sonic looked over at Whisper
"Zavok decided to show up for the first time in forever."
"Who's he?" Whisper asked as she loaded her Variable Wispon MKII. Sonic smirked "He worked with Eggman a while back. I kicked his butt and I guess he ran back to his people."
"What's he doing?"
"No idea..."
Suddenly they heard the voice of Zavok over the radio
"Attention Restoration, some of you may remember me for what I did to Sonic... He was lucky I had other things on my mind before I could break him*. I have returned to finish what I've started... Your demon is already dead, by my own hand... You can try and run. Might bring me some amusement."
Sonic looked over at Tangle "He's not talking about...?"
"Pretty Boy." Tangle whispered.

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