"She'd fucking hate me Adriana" he snaps, glaring down at me.

"At least she'd be alive to do that" I chuckle, earning another glare. If I wasn't married to his boss, he would have landed a punch by now, I was sure of that. Before he could snap back at me with something violent, my eyes find Dante.

I see him walk out from the front exit, walking- no storming towards his car. I know he'll turn, to look at me, he'd notice my eyes on him even if I was standing feet away. And he doesn't disappoint, looking me in the eye before his eyes drift towards his enforcer, narrowing.

"Fuck, you'll get me killed" Luca whispers harshly, scurrying off towards his boss. I see them talking, I already know Luca is going to throw up everything I asked him to do right now, he may pull favors for me but his loyalty lies with Dante.

I see a small smirk light up my husband's face as he looks up at him, his smirk widening as he sensed my irritation. I fucking hate men, at least made men. I sneer at him, hating that he has this control over me. Fuck. I keep my head down and walk towards my car, dialing Ariana.

"Are you still at my apartment?" I breathe, resting my fingers on my forehead. It was way too early for me to have a migraine.


"Can I crash for a while?" I ask softly, I didn't want to be a bother but I didn't want to be alone right now. Dominic wasn't an option, and knowing my husband he's certainly going to him.

"Whenever you want baby, what's wrong?" she says softly, concern seeping through her voice. Ah fuck, that question.

"Nothing, I just-

I stop. I didn't want to tell her, I hated Dante at this moment but I still didn't want our families involved. Whether I like it or not, I am stuck with this man and I don't intend to make our relationship public business.

"Never mind, just come over" she sighs, sensing my hesitation

It's easy with Ariana, unlike Dominic and Dante she respected boundaries, she doesn't pester, gives you time. So I send the day listening to gossip, who fucked whom at the Estate. Which married man cheated on his wife, men my sister sought after.

She whines about Dominic being a controlling ass and I laugh at that, she asks about married life and I just shrug. Mine is shit. She notices my shift in mood and puts on a stupid movie, a romantic movie. It makes me more bitter, that's the last thing I wanted to watch.

I don't realize how long I'd stayed at her place till Alex calls me, telling me my husband was drunk out of his mind and frantically searching for me. Apparently, this is the second time he had drank today, the first time he went to a strip club. Just my fucking luck. I don't tell Ariana that, just that it was late. She asks me if everything was okay, already knowing the answer but I still nod. It's nothing I can't handle.

The drive is hardly ten minutes. I hear him before my eyes land on him, I hurry out of the car, sighing when I see Alex supporting Dante. He can't even stand, he's wasted. He immediately notices me, rejoicing as he says my name on top of his voice, stumbling towards me. Immediately my arms go around him, holding him steady. He smelt like strawberries, he smelt like other women, he smelt like a strip club. I have a sudden urge to push him away and leave but I don't want to act up in front of Alexander.

"I thought you left me for good, little one" he breathes beside my ear, his arms around my neck. I was sure we looked comical, a six feet four man crouching down to my height with his face buried in my neck.

"You'd like that, won't you" I muttered in distaste, my palm landing on the back of his head, holding him close

"Never" he sighs, his teeth nipping at the bare skin of my neck. I push him away but his hold tightens, I wasn't a fool to believe he was any less strong when drunk.

Blessed By Maniae {A Mafia Romance}Where stories live. Discover now