Chapter 5: Classes!!

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"Nice work Ms. Vineyard and Ms. Cruz you two are the first to successfully do the summoning charm, five points to Hufflepuff" I didn't notice that the professor was looking at us as we tried the spell. Me and Kienna grinned with the success and get some points for our house too! Not bad for my first class.

After charms, I bid goodbye to Kienna and headed to transfurgation classroom and sat down at the front row so I could listen to the lesson without getting distracted. An hour passed and some students left but I stayed since my transfurgation was double and I saw Penny come in and sat down beside me. I smiled at her before turning back to my book and listened to professor McGonagall. It went well, before I knew it I made my way to defence the dark arts class and met Melany at the door. We high fives before going in seeing equal amount of students from different houses as we stocked with the other Hufflepuff's. The class started and with a grunt, Professor Moody introduced himself aggressively. I don't like him, because I already know he's not the real mad eye moody.

I was trying my best to not yell out that he's a fraud and the real moody is in a chest in his office, But I know that won't end well. As expected he started talking about the unforgivable curses, I always glanced at Harry and Ron infront of me and Melany who were also startled at Mad eye's choice of discussion. When Moody took out the spider from the jar my heart ached knowing a few minutes later it would be crucioed and killed.

I couldn't Bare to look so I just sticked my head down waiting for the scenes to happen, When he called Neville to the front I looked up in horror. Which caught Melany's attention as she looked at me and put a hand in my shoulder "are you alright Ella?" She whispered concerned as I looked at her and opened my mouth to reply, But before I could utter a word I heard Moody Crucioed the spider which made me head look down and covered my eyes.

"Please...make him stop.." I managed to say loud enough for Melany as seconds later she yelled at professor moody pleadingly.

"Sir please stop! It's bothering my friend please professor!" Melany yelled

"Stop! Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering them?!" I heard Hermoine yell after Melany did, her voice leading but also angry.

When Moody stopped I put my head on my desk hiding my face with my arms. I couldn't take seeing the next part.

"No?.. Avada Kedavra!" I heard Moody kill the Spider. After a few moments of silence, Melany rubbing my back comfortingly.

"...his in this room" Was the only thing I heard as I know that Moody was telling about How Harry had survived the killing curse with just a scar on his forehead.

I heard the bell and put my books in my bag and went out the Classroom, Hearing Melany behind me we both walked down the staircase, My footsteps slow. "Hey, Talk to me Stel, What's wrong?" Melany asked as we stop at walking and leaned on the wall letting the other students walk past first.

I sighed "It's just that... He tortured and kill an innocent spider... And he performed those unforgivable curses infront of fourth years?! How could he!" I almost yelled out in anger pulling on my hair.

Melany looked at me with concern written all over her face. "Hey, Calm down. And don't pull your hair, or it will fall off" She said trying to lighten the mood as I smiled at her weakly and hugged her, she hugged back.

"Thanks Mel" I smiled at her as we pulled apart.

"Welcome, what're friends for if not there by your side?" She joked as we were about to walk down again but I felt a hand on my shoulder that made me and Melany turn around. It was Hermoine.

"Are you alright? I saw your expression when-.. you know what I mean" She said with an awkward tone.

"I'm fine" I nodded as my eyes traveled behind her, was Harry and Ron. I quickly looked away as Harry looked back at me, I remembered that time when I accidentally got caught staring. I linked my arm to Melany. "Thanks for the concern but we gotta go" I pulled Melany with me down the stairs.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑴𝒊𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓𝒔: A Harry Potter FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora