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"i just realized, we ended the crime drought"

"What do you think we're gonna learn today?" Bose beamed, turned to his classmates.

"I definitely think that it'll be non-superhero related." Gray replied.

"I definitely agree." Chapa and Miles agreed.

"He says I'll be a teacher and here I am sitting with a bunch of idiots." Gray grimaced, before realizing the others giving him dark looks. "I was definitely kidding— partially."

"What if today is different?" Mika said. "What if Ray decides to teach us stuffs about being a hero for once?"

"What is different from the yesterday's create your own catchphrase?" Chapa asked sassily.

"Touché." Mika replied. "But it doesn't mean we have to leave out the effort."

"Speak for yourself Miss Know-It-All." Miles commented, rolling his eyes.

"Jokes on you!" Mika exclaimed. "Cause I do know it all."

"She really is annoying all the time." Chapa huffed.

"Who wants to play a game?" Bose proposed.

"I actually have a bet for Gray." Miles revealed.

"Ooo go ahead." Gray replied, turning to Miles.

"If you rhyme during our first mission..." Miles began. "You'll have to give me 50 dollars."

"Meh money isn't a problem." He replied. "But I doubt that I'll rhyme."

"My turn!" Bose shouted, raising his hand. "I bet that you guys will never guess what I'm weari-"

"Okay... time to practice your lying." Schwoz announced, interrupting Bose as he walked in the class making Miles, Chapa and Gray groan. "My friend is on fire, I must run to pour water on his face."

"My friend is on fire and I-" Mika trailed off. "I'm really the only one doing this?"

"As fun as it is to practice lying all day, it's not fun at all and I hate it." Chapa said.

"Hate is a very strong word. And in this case, it's accurate." Miles remarked.

"And these lessons are accurately boring." Gray added.

"What they're trying to say is that Captain Man bought this school to teach us how to be superheroes." Mika explained. "But if all we do is-"

"Lying is a very important part of being a superhero! You have learn to protect your secret identity." Schwoz corrected them.

"You know what," Chapa exclaimed. "we didn't ask for these powers."

"Oh, here we go." Schwoz sighed annoyed.

"Yeah, you built the weapon that blew up and gave 'em to us when Captain Man and Kid Danger fought Drex." Miles added.

"You were all..." Bose paused, changing his voice to mimick Schwoz. "Aiiiiiiieeee there's a caveman on top of meeeee!"

"Why is that funny?" The man asked, while all the kids laughed. "A caveman really was on top of me!"

"And Mika was all..." Bose continued, totally ignoring the scientist.

"Kid Danger needs help!" Mika said, reprising her role.

"And Captain Man was like..."

"Just shoot us!" Chapa exclaimed, takin the role of Captain Man.

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