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Luna's pov

"I am so nervous" i said to jimin who was holding my hand firmly. "Don't be, everything will be alright" he said giving me his prettiest smile. Today is the biggest day of my life it's my wedding day, i am so nervous and scared, am i making the right decision? This question kept coming in my mind, my thoughts were interupted by my best friend Madison's gasp. "Damn luna you look soo fine oh my god!" Madison exclaimed dramatically. I just smiled shyly. Then the time came, they called for the bride. I gulped nervously and closed my eyes taking a deep breath.

I held the bouquet in my hands tightly and started walking towards the aisle, Madison and yuna were walking behind me holding my gown. Crowd started cheering as i walked down the aisle, with each step i was getting more and more nervous. I finally took my last step closer to jungkook and held his hand, i looked up at him smiling. He took both of my hands in his and the priest started telling vows. All this time, while saying those vows it didn't feel right, what's the point of all these promises when it's all just a lie. "Do you Jeon jungook take Kim Luna as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked jungkook.
"I do" he said smiling. I looked down. "Do you Kim Luna take Jeon jungkook as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest said looking at me, my grip on his hands tightened as my lips shivered, it felt like i became mute. Suddenly realisation hit me and i yanked my hands away from jungkook. He looked at me confused. "I- i am sorry but i can't do this" i said stuttering. The whole crowd gasped hearing this and jungkook looked at me angrily "What do you mean? What can't you do? He screamed at me.

I looked down "i am sorry jungkook but i love someone else, i can't marry you, i am so sorry" i said as tears rolled down to my cheeks. He looked at me in disbelief, "who?" He asked clenching his jaw. I was about to speak when "it's me jungkook" jimin said from behind. Jungkook's eyes widened hearing this. He grabbed my shoulder harshly "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS LUNA?!! YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT YOU'VE BEEN CHEATING ON ME WITH MY OWN FUCKING BESTFRIEND ARE YOU INSANE?" He screamed loudly making me flinch hardly. I kept sobbing while he kept screaming at me. "Why luna? Why did you do this to me? What have i ever done to you? Was i not enough? Why did you have to betray me with my bestfriend?" Jungkook said looking at me with disgust in his eyes. I scoffed hearing him " That's what i want to ask you jungkook" i said now looking straight into his eyes. "W-what?" He asked stuttering, his expressions changed from anger to panick. I scoffed looking at him "What do you think of me jungkook? An idiot? Do you think i don't know what's going on?".
"I don't know what you're talking about luna" he said looking everywhere except me. "Oh you don't know? Well then do you want me to make you understand?" I asked smirking slightly. I looked at jimin to which he smirked and connected the pendrive with the computer, everyone gasped looking at the pictures of Jungkook and Madison making out. Jungkook's eyes widened, he started sweating badly. Madison was shivering by now. "How did you?" Jungkook asked slowly.


"Finally y'all are getting married, i am so happy for you and jungkook Luna" My best friend Madison said holding my hands. We are in the mall for my wedding's shopping, yeah i am finally getting married to my boyfriend of 5 years Jeon jungkook, the man who i love with all my heart. I am so happy that he's going to be mine forever. "Yes, Madison i can't believe i am finally getting married to him" i said smiling shyly. After taking everything else we finally went to buy my wedding dress, but jungkook was still not here.

I texted him again asking where he is to which he replied "I'll be there in 5 babe, don't worry love you<3💗" i smiled at his text and went inside with Madison, we sat on a couch and started checking some wedding gowns, they all were so beautiful i wonder how would i look in them. I was getting impatient to try i kept checking the door to see if he has arrived or not, Madison noticed it and said "Luna you should go and try it first jungkook will come until then"

I thought for a second before giving her a quick nod and rushing inside the trial room. I wore the dress and it was so beautiful,  it was a princess gown with sleeves, i felt so pretty in it,  i smiled thinking about jungkook's reaction. I clicked some pictures before going out but Madison wasn't there anymore, i was looking for her when the shop lady came up to me "Oh dear! You're looking so beautiful" she said making me smile. "Thank you, ummm could you tell me where is the girl who was with me?" I asked looking at her.

"Oh! I saw her leaving with a man, umm they went that way" she said pointing towards the main door. I was staring at the door in disbelief, how can she ditch me for some boy? I was so frustrated, i bought the dress cause it was so beautiful and went outside to find Madison i swear i am gonna smack her ass so hard. I went towards my car in anger but then i saw a familiar car leaving from the main gait, wait! That's jungkook's car, was he here? I panicked what if he left after not finding me inside.

I quickly went towards my car and drove off, i couldn't find his car so i called him but he didn't pick up, "shit i messed up" i said, guilt was eating me up alive, i was looking for his car and then i found it. It was parked by roadside, i furrowed my brows thinking what would he be doing there. I stopped the engine of my car and went towards his car. But what i saw next made my heart shattered into millions of pieces, i saw Jungkook and Madison making out, i was beyond shocked seeing them, i was about to run away but Madison's voice stopped me,"It isn't right koo, you said you were going to tell her today but look at that bitch trying wedding gowns as if she's ever gonna marry you".

You were feeling so many emotions right now, hurt, rage, betrayal. "It's ok love don't worry, you know i have a perfect plan right? I already bribed jimin to drug her and sleep with her so that she'll think she cheated on me and you know how she is, she's gonna tell me everything feeling guilty and then I'll dump her and the blame will also go on her"  jungkook said with a chuckle. I couldn't believe my ears, my boyfriend and my bestfriend whom i trusted the most has betrayed me. I couldn't stop crying. But then i decided not to cry over them but teach them a lesson.
I peeked again and they were again kissing each other like there's no tomorrow, i smirked and opened my phone's camera and clicked their pictures.


"After that jimin came to me and told me everything cause he wasn't feeling so nice about this disgusting plan of yours so we made this plan together, so Mr Jeon how do you feel now after getting the taste of your own medicine, and you Madison, i fucking trusted you more than anyone in the world and this is what i get in return?" I scoffed at them. Madison's head was hung low due to embarrassment and jungkook couldn't digest the fact that i just exposed him infront of everyone. I then took off my ring and threw it on jungkook's face "Well, thank you for making me realise that i just wasted my 5 years loving you. But now jungkook don't show me your face ever again, and you too Madison, our friendship is over".

I exclaimed walking out of the venue while Madison bursted into tears and jungkook fell on his knees regretting his life decisions. I was walking towards my car when i felt someone's hand on my shoulder, i looked back, it was jimin " Well i am sorry again Luna, the fact that i actually got manipulated by them is horrible, please forgive me ." He said making me smile. "It's ok jimin, without you i could have never done what i did today, thank you so much for helping me." I said smiling.
"Well, i was thinking if you are free today, umm maybe we could go for a dinner together?" He asked scratching his neck shyly. I chuckled at his cuteness "ofcourse let's go" i said making him smile widely. He intervined his hands with me and we walked together towards my car giggling. And that was the start of a new love story.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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