Chapter 4

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"Ems we got a problem" Daniel says, standing near the fire. The fire was almost out.

"There isn't any wood left and I am not going out in that blizzard to get some". I sigh.

"Are you going to have to sleep on the floor in the other room?" I laugh, half asleep. Daniel smiles.

"Or you could just lay on me. Keep each other warm". I laugh.

"Yeah no, I'll just use this blanket". Can confirm, the blanket was not warm enough. Ten minutes later and it was still getting colder. The lights were off and Daniel was laying down asleep, or so I thought.

"Emily" he says half asleep.

"What?" I shiver.

"I can hear your teeth chattering from here, lay on me, hurry up". Daniel lays his legs down. I shake my head.

"I'm not falling asleep on my ex husband thanks". Daniel turns on the side light and sits up. 

"C'mon Emily" he says looking at me. I shake my head and curl up tighter. Daniel leans over, wraps his arms around me and lays back down.

"Daniel, what the hell are you doing?" I say trying to squirm out of his hold.

"Unlike some people, I want to sleep and not hear you freezing to death". I eventually give up. 

"One night" I sigh. Daniel smirks and turns the light back off.

"If Sara found out about this" I laugh.

"Sara and I aren't together anymore" he sighs. I look up at him. The moonlight comes through the windows and I can just see his eyes gazing back at me. That was what he was keeping secret all day. Daniel sighs and looks up at the roof.

"Sara had a miscarriage, about 2 months ago. She got really depressed and distant after that. So our relationship had been going down since then. Then when the girls got to my place earlier in the week and I told her that I was going away with you she went right off". I lay my head on Daniel's chest.

"She wasn't worth your time then" I whisper. Daniel puts his hand on the top of my head.

"I haven't even spoken to her since she left, which was four days ago".

"Wow I'm sorry" I whisper. "I don't care," he replies.


I yawn again.

"Ems" Daniel says.

"Mhm" I groan. Daniel looks at his watch.

"It's 1am, go to sleep".

"No, this is weird. I can't fall asleep on my ex husband" I say, lifting my head up slightly.

"I can't stop thinking about why you don't care that you and Sara broke up". Daniel rests my head back down. As soon as I first laid down on him, I knew he still loved me, even if it was small.

"You really want to know why?" he smirks.

"Yes I do". Daniel's chest rises and falls deeply.

"I still love you Emily. Never in a million years would I want to hurt you. Ems you were my world and I was forced into that divorce. Yes I may have been mad but not enough for a divorce". I sigh and look up at him.

"But everything you heard from your mother and I" I start. Daniel puts a tired hand on the side of my face.

"I don't care Emily. I love you". I smile at him.

"All I want to do right now is kiss you". I look down at his lips and then we lock eyes again. He slowly leans in to kiss me. He knows that if I'm not interested I would turn away, but I don't. I don't move. Within seconds Daniels lips touched mine for the first time in almost three years. It didn't feel bad, it was unusual. I hadn't genuinely wanted to kiss him since we first went out. It was also the first kiss I had since Aiden had died. Daniel parts the kiss, hand still on my cheek and looks me straight in the eyes. I smile at him and he smiles back, so happily. It was such a genuine smile. He lays my head back down on his chest and kisses the top of my head. Suddenly the thought of falling asleep on my ex husband wasn't such a bad thought.

"Daniel," I whisper. It was the first thing I had said since the kiss.

"Yeah" he yawns back. "Let's just".

"Take it slow?" he finishes. I nod.

"Yeah, slow".

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