The Padwan protection squad vs Hera and Nara

Start from the beginning


" Quick in here" Nara grabbed Hera by the shoulders and shoved her into the medical center.

Out in the hallway they could hear the sound of running footsteps followed by the sound of a distressed Jex.

Nara breathed a sigh of relief as the footsteps passed. She flinched when she heard Heras muffled protest, realizing she had put her hand over her mouth she quickly removed it with an apologetic smile.

" We should be safe here for a bit of a commander. " Nara sighed. " why don't you rest while I check the halls to make sure they've gone, just don't answer the door unless it's me understood "

Hera nodded " be careful I've heard spades and Fives came up with a new fighting move and they've been dying to test it."

Nara laughed " I'll be a fine commander". She turned to leave but was stopped.

" wait " Hera spoke up"

" yes"

"Do you know why the men are being super protective aka the no fun squad" Hera asked.

Nara laughed before her tone took a somber tone " it might have to do with the last mission" she sighed.

Hera's eyes widened in realization as she instinctively went to rub her scar. Word of the wise don't enter a room where there might be explosives, at least that's what she told herself after the last mission when she woke up in the med bay three weeks ago.

" I see," she sighed.

Nara smiled " now get some rest, who knows when the crazy squad will be back" she grinned.

Hera laughed " yes mam! "

Nara saluted playfully as she excited out the door.

Hera sighed and made her way to the far end of the room. She leaned against the wooden desk in the corner and looked out the glass window. She was glad the room was empty. She enjoyed the peace and quiet. Looking down at the ground level watching the clones unpacked supplies and be ordered around by their superiors. She wondered if they too would enjoy the quiet. However the silence was short lived as the sound of buzzing filled her ears. Hera winced as she saw the winged creature circling the room, she always had a dislike for bugs.

Hera felt her eyes widen as the bug came closer towards her. She swatted frantically, trying to shove it away. Unfortunately this only seemed to encourage the little pest as it landed on her hand. She let out a shrill scream as she tried to shake it off. In mere seconds clone troopers were dropping from the ceiling, men ran in through the door, and popped out of air ducts . She barely had time to register what was happening before the glass windows behind her shattered. She hit the floor as shards of glass spilled across the room. Slowly moving her head she watched as troopers swung through the open hole on ropes.

" commander acquired" spades yelled through his com.

Wait spades!

Hera felt her nose twitch in anger.

Before she was able to ask what in dank ferric was going on jex spotted her little pest. He wiped his rifle out and opened fire on the poor bug until there was nothing left but scorch marks on the floor and the very faint smell of fried bug.

Unsure of what to say she stayed still looking at the scene before her.. Her face contorted between anger and shock.

"The target eliminated, the commander is safe" Jex said proudly.

Hera felt the mood shift as the men slowly crept back into their hiding spots or out the door, seeming more content .

Now it was her turn to address them.

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