Part 1

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I stepped out of my grandfather's truck and looked around. My mother came around the truck and placed a hand on my shoulder. " Your boxes are already in your room hun," Mom states stepping on the stone-paved path to our new home. I sigh and soon follow my mother. After walking into the foyer I take a look around. It’s an open-concept townhome. I decided to take a look around, seeing as how my parents bought the house without me.  

I took a walk through the spacious living room that was littered with boxes and furniture. The walls were a light gray framed by dark gray trim that extended into the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen, I ran my hand over the beautiful gray and white marble counters with veins of gold and black. The cabinets were just darker than the walls, more modern for my taste, but pretty. Above the sink the backsplash is white subway tiles leading up to the window looking out on the backyard. 

There is one bedroom, bathroom, and office downstairs. So I headed up the stairs, to the left is the master's bed and bath, mom and dad's room. Just a little to the left on the wall the stairs faces, is my bathroom, and directly to the right of the stairs is my bedroom. The upstairs looks identical to the down stairs. I sigh and check out the bathroom first. It was a decent sized room, it had light blue walls with white trim. It had a small vanity with a tri-fold medicine cabinet. Seeing as how the room didn’t have much going on, I moved to my room.

When I opened my door I was greeted with the sun beaming into the room. My furniture was already set up and ready to go, courtesy of my uncle. The walls were painted a beautiful tan with dark brown trim. The room had two big windows framed with dark brown curtains matching the trim. The carpet was a nice light gray, reaching into the closet. In the closet was my suitcase of ‘need now’ clothes and necessities. “ Heh… Thanks Jack…” I layed on my bed for a while then got up and started unpacking.

Once I finished unpacking a few boxes, my father entered my room. "Hey, hun... Me and your mother are going out. Feel free to explore. Just be home by 11" And with that, he leaves. I sat on my mattress looking around at all the boxes and bags that still need unpacking. "Hmm... I guess it wouldn't hurt to check out the town..." I say, grabbing my satchel off the door handle and heading outside.

A boy, who happened to be walking at the same time, in the opposite direction, bumps into me. "HEY WATCH IT!" He exclaims in my face. "Excuse me??" I stumbled backward seeing how the random boy not only bumped into me but had the audacity to yell at me for no apparent reason. "Me?! I didn't run into you! You ran into me!" I exclaim furiously pointing to him and myself. I went to continue my rant but was interrupted by the boy pushing past me and running in the opposite direction.

Frustrated, I roll my eyes, grunt, and continue wandering and unraveling my earbuds from around my phone. Putting the earbuds in, I turn the volume up to my favorite song. Distracting me from the recent encounter, I look around at the VERY clean streets and neighborhood that was new to me.

The streets were lined with trees and bushes, the grass in every yard was the perfect green, and the air was fresh. It was beautiful, to say the least. I wandered for about an hour till I finally made it to the park. I sat at a picnic table on the far side of the park. Pulling out my raging earbuds, I take in a deep breath to surround myself with the new freshness of the park. It was quiet and quaint, it gave me a sense of peace. The whole park was surrounded by trees, there were two net goals set up for soccer, a small basketball court and a small tennis court. Kids were playing with each other on the playground. Teenagers were chilling on the picnic tables and playing basketball in the courts. I pulled out a book and placed my earbuds back in my ear.

After reading for a few minutes a frisbee landed beside me. I set my book down and picked up the frisbee. " HEY TOSS IT OVER PLEASE!" I looked up at the kid that had yelled for me to toss it. It was a girl about my age with really short and purple hair running towards me. "Hey sorry about that, my friend-" she glances over to a guy also our age, "DOESNT HAVE ANY SENSE OF AIM!" She yelled then looked back at me. "No problem." I giggle, handing the frisbee back to the girl. She smiles, takes it, and says, " Im Mack, and that over there, he's josh. What's your name, are you new?" I smile, " Bailey, and yes I am new."

Mack sat down across from me and then we started talking. Josh soon joined. About 30 minutes after we started talking Mack's mom brought us a large pizza, 2 liters of Dr. Pepper, and breadsticks. We exchanged numbers and headed home as the sun was greeting the horizon.

When I returned home I wandered into the kitchen and grabbed myself a glass from the cupboard. I went to the sink and filled my glass. After I had gotten my glass of water I walked to my room. Setting the glass and my satchel down, I headed to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of sweats and a tank top. After I put them on I headed to the back deck.

     There was just something about sunsets that I absolutely love. I sat back gazing out toward the horizon. Normally when my parents are "out to dinner" they don't come home till the next day. So the house was mine for the remainder of the night.

After a few hours I woke up to my phone ringing. I guess I had fallen asleep watching the stars. Dazed,  I sat up and looked at my phone. Spam, why must they wake me up because they want to be assholes. I rubbed my eyes, stretched, then stood to head to my room. I was correct, walking to my room I noticed my parents still weren't home. I make it to my room then flop onto my bed and quickly pass out.

Beep Beep Beep Beep. Smack! "Ugh..." Rolling over to get up, I get treated with the view of my mom's huge smile in the doorway. "FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! BAI ARE YOU EXCITED OR WHAT??" My mother is obsessed with being overdramatic about-quite literally- everything. "No mmoomm... Im not even one bit excited..." I unenthusiastically say flinging my legs over the side of the bed. "Hmph... no fun!" Mom folds her arms and slumps against the wall.  "Sorry to disappoint..." I say. Shaking her head, my mother heads downstairs. I get up and sludge over to my dresser pulling out a pair of jeans and an oversized Shaws construction tee. After I put them on I walked across the hall to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

     After I'm finished getting ready, I stroll back to my room while checking my breath.  As soon as I sit on my bed mom yells from downstairs. "HURRY UP YOU'LL BE LATE!" Grunting I ran downstairs grabbing my bag from the bottom of the steps. "BYE MOM!" Luckily we moved in only a few blocks away from Mast High. I climb into my truck, slam the door, and take a deep breath to prepare myself for a day of hell.

     When I pulled up people gawked at me, probably because my truck is extremely loud, and sexy. I parked on the outskirts of the dirt parking lot where all the other trucks and a select few cars were. I grabbed my bag and went to get out. Someone pulled up beside me causing me to quickly shut the door so he didnt rip it off. Groaning, I got out and started walking away when the guy, who nearly took my door off, ran up to me. "Daddy's truck?'' His accent was thick and southern. "Nope." I have an accent but it isn't nearly as strong. "I worked for it, bought it, and fixed it. but thanks for thinking I'm a daddy's girl." I continue walking leaving the boy open-mouthed in the distance.  'What a great way to start my first day' I thought to myself.

I had no idea where I was going and had no one to help. I only had a shity map and my schedule. Luckily I found my first class only 2 minutes late. It seemed as though the first three classes drug on. Every class was the same deal. Sit in the empty desk completely lost with more than half the class room watching you, including the teacher. It was deadly to a new kid like me. Then finally, the bell for lunch had rung. I tried navigating my way through the halls that were crammed with hormonal teens and staff, it was definitely chaotic.

     When I finally made it out of the building I headed to my truck. I opened my door and was about to get in when I heard. "Hey, daddy's girl!" It was the same guy from earlier today. "Yes?" I say turning around. "Where you goin for lunch?" He asked, leaning against his truck. His friends looked at me as they were getting in his truck. "Home," I said, turning around and climbing into my truck. "Wait! Do you wanna come to Justin's with us?" I sat and turned to him. "What's in it for me?" He smirked at my comment. I won't lie, it looks good on him. "I have lots of ideas but mainly, possibly, if your cool enough. Some new buddies." I chuckle. "Sure, why the hell not? I'll follow cause I have no clue what I'm doin or where the hell I'm goin."

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