We made a deal that she would express her feelings about the situation everyday to help with emotional healing. She didn't want to do it at first but we had to talk to her and she agreed to talk to me. "I don't feel a way Bey. I feel normal. It doesn't hurt anymore but the scars still trigger me sometimes. I've learned to not cry about it but there's still something off about me. I read about it and people said it's normal to feel off afterwards. But i'm okay." she pecked my lips.

We held a stare off and she leaned in to kiss me deeply. I've learned that she loves kisses, so much. If I didn't kiss her before I left she would cry or be mad at me. I remember the other day, when I left before saying bye and kissing her goodnight, she didn't text me back when I checked up on her. It went on for two days and when I stopped by, they said she'd been in her room and hadn't come out. When I went inside she cried to me saying I didn't like her anymore because I didn't say bye or give her a goodbye kiss. I had to lay with her for hours to make her believe I still liked her.

"You know you're not the giggly and cheerful little girl I first met. You've been quiet a lot and barely laugh anymore. It hurts me to see you so quiet and distant." I hugged her tightly. She nodded her head and rested her forehead on mine. "It's not purposely. I know i've been more active since it first happened. I'm becoming my normal self more and more everyday. Just give me time, I promise you'll have the real me back." she kissed my lips.

I appreciate her considering everyone's else's feelings even though she's the victim. It's like it's her world and we're just living in it. The way her family holds love for her is beautiful. They make sure she's protected twenty four seven and never give her room to doubt their love for her. I make it my mission to become apart of that, showing her that I love her.

We stood there for a while and I started to walk further into the water, we were now floating. "Bey Bey you're not standing anymore." she whispered in my ear. I didn't say anything back and started to lean onto my back. I positioned her to where she could hold herself up on my stomach as I floated. "Beyoncé I don't like this. What if you fall?" she asked innocently. I smiled and came back up, quickly grabbing her before she panicked.

I made a mental note to teach my baby how to swim because she's so scary. "On three I want you to take a deep breath and we're gonna go under the water okay?" I spoke gently. She frowned and shook her head, but I started counting. Either she's gonna hold her breath, or were going under without any air. On three, I slowly took our bodies under the water and she held me tightly. I removed her arms and she opened her eyes.

We stared at each other and slowly came back above the water. Her long eyelashes held droplets of water, and her natural jet black hair flowed down her face. "Don't do that anymore!" she smacked my shoulder, latching back onto my body.

I moved us back to where I could stand to rock our bodies back and forth. Water is like a peacemaker for me; I love it. I would swim all day if I could. When I become rich, I want a huge pool that goes super deep and i'll be in it all day. As far as Onika, she'll be my poolside wife.

"Why do you like me so much?" I heard her speak up. The question shocked me because I never thought I would have to answer that. My reasons for liking her shows everyday. It'll probably feel good to hear it though. "I like you because you're different. You're not like these other girls that like to throw themselves at people because their known. You're fragile and cute and innocent. You're worth building with and would never be a waste of my time." I pecked her head. She slightly blushed and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Well....I like you because you're caring and adorable. You're very gentle and patient with me. I know I can be too much sometimes and I probably annoy you with it, but you don't make it obvious." she spoke softly.

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