Chapter two ~ this one...

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Finally it was time to go home. I walked out of chemistry and I saw the three boys down the hall all standing together. They were looking around as if they were expecting someone. Probably the people they are going to make fun of me with. I frowned and made my way into the crowd that was walking to the exits of the school. Thankfully they didn't see me, and I made it outside.

I sat in my car, just thinking about everything today. Did I have the wrong idea? Were they good people that just wanted to be friends? I doubt it. There's genuinely no way they didn't hear about me from other students before we met. I'm the laughing stock.
"Stay away from Y/N."
"Y/N has no friends."
"She's the one we collaboratively make fun of."
I can see all these things being said about me. They've been said before.
It's either they were trying to be friends with me as some sort of sick joke, or they are doing it out of sympathy of me being a loser. Either way, I want nothing to do with it.

When I got home I laid down and tried to relax, remembering I never finished my Spanish homework. I didn't want to finish it in the school bathroom, I was too busy crying.
I sighed and sat up in bed, pulling my work out of my backpack. This is going to be a long night.

I opened my eyes to see the sun shining through my window. I don't remember falling asleep at all, I must've been so tired that I just passed out. I lay there for a second, but then swing my legs over my bed to get started for the day. I'm not looking forward to facing the triplets.

I feel like shit, so I'm gonna dress like shit. I throw on some grey sweats with a black hoodie, and I put my hair up. I slip on my vans not caring about fashion today at all. I brushed my teeth and skipped breakfast, walking out the door. I just drove around for a bit before going to school since I woke up early. I do not want to do today.

I park and walk in a bit early so the halls wouldn't be as crowded. I make my way to History, and say good morning to Mr.Weeks. He makes school days worth it. I sit down and read over what we will be discussing today. History went by pretty fast, which I didn't appreciate because now I will have to face Nicolas in study hall. Great.
I walked into class, and he wasn't in his seat. Maybe he is missing school today? I sat down and had a bit of hope when out of the corner of my eye, Nick walks in. Fuck my life. I look anywhere but where he is, and act as if I'm busy. I can feel him walking towards me, where he sits, and I start to get worried. I hear the sound of him sitting down in the old rusty desk.

"Y/N?" He asks in a confused and worried tone.
I don't reply.
I liked Nick as a friend out of them all, he was sweet and he made me laugh, he was hilarious, but I can't trust that he isn't like all the other kids at this school.
He starts to talk again,"Are you ok? You left so abruptly at lunch, and you looked upset. We didn't see you the rest of the day, I've been worried. We all have. What happened?"
"Worried" Yeah right. Who in their right mind would worry about ME?
I don't reply but rather lay my head in my arms on my desk and close my eyes.
This is gonna be a long day.

Study hall was over and I stood up so fast, grabbing my stuff, that I could qualify to be the Flash. I was out that door as soon as possible.
Nick AND Chris we're in my next period, great. I considered skipping, but my mom wouldn't be to happy about that. I just have to push through it. I walked into physics slouched over, I probably looked like a zombie. I look and feel rough as hell. I sat down wishing I could be anywhere but here. That's when Nick and Chris both walk in at the same time, talking. I look away and zone out. They sit at their seats. Now I may be zoning out, but I can still hear.
"Dude try to talk to her, maybe she will answer to you. Maybe it's something I did." Nick said in a soft whisper.
"Fuckin aye, alright." Chris replied.

"Hey Y/N, how's it going?"
"Are you alright?"
Can they just leave me alone?!

Physics passes by slowly with Nick and Chris whispering back and forth. I want to go home. The bell rings and I book it. You know the drill, I walk to my next class and sit my ass down. Im just going to dropout or something.

Laying my head in my arms, but my head turned sideways so I can see the wall of the classroom, I see Chris bend down next to the side of my desk and look me in the eyes.
"Hi" He says.
I say nothing.
"Can you tell me what's going on? I'm worried about you."
I scoff. "Tell that to someone who will believe it." I lift my head from my desk so that our eyes are no longer gazing at each other.
"What do you mean? I am worried." I could hear it in his tone, he was.
"Chris you don't have to pretend ok?! I know you guys are just being my friends as a joke, or out of pitty because I'm a loner and nobody fucking likes me in this godforsaken school. Just cut the act! And leave me the fuck alone! Please."
His eyes were wide and his eyebrows were curved making him look sad.
"Hey, we are not pretending to do anything. We just moved here, we know nobody, we didn't even know you didn't have friends. We genuinely all want to be friends with you. You've been the only one we've all talked to while we've been here. I swear."

Now I felt stupid. And I sure as hell looked it too. I didn't even know what to say. I just shook my head in agreement and looked down at my hands, which I was fidgeting with because I was so nervous. He was still kneeling next to my desk, and I could see him watching my hands from the corner of my eye.

"Here, take this" He started to say while he took off one of the many rings he was wearing ,"you can play with this, it'll help." He placed it in my hand.
"thank you" Is all I could manage to choke out without crying.
"Don't thank me, it's what friends are for." He smiled his smile at me, it was so bright. Everything about him was perfect. He was a beautiful person. I studied his facial features, and he could tell I was, he got shy and dropped his head. His hair hung down, as he put both hands over his face in embarrassment. Maybe these triplets weren't so bad, especially this one...


hi everyone! i'm so incredibly happy that you guys are enjoying this story. it means so much to me. i love to write, and i look up to the triplets.
i have about 11 chapters of this story written so far, so i will be posting parts back to back ! be on the lookout <3 i love you all

Edit Wednesday April 13th -
Hey everyone, im very sorry for the writing in this chapter. i know it is very cringe and hard to read.

i was never going to publish this book, it started off as a joke between my friend and i, writing fanfics for each other, so I wasn't necessarily taking it seriously.

i promise my writing gets better throughout the book, i apologize. just stick with me <3 thank you for the love and support

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