Chapter 1

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Author's Note: The timeline is going to be a bit fabricated. I will keep all the details of the original case (that are known) in the story, but I'm going to be changing years of when things happen to get a cohesive story. Thank you for taking time to read, and don't forget to let me know what you think :)


Southend, Essex 1952

It was a sunny Saturday morning. Bill had just awoken to the sound of sea birds cawing. Rubbing his eyes, he heard his mother call up, "Billy, breakfast. It's going to get cold."

"Coming!" he shouted back, changing out of his pajamas that had some crescent moons and clouds on them into a t-shirt and jeans. Stumbling down the steps in an attempt to speed down, he arrived at the table with a dinosaur action figure in hand. A plate of scrambled eggs and toast was placed in front of him as he played out a scenario with his dinosaur.

"Can I go outside?!" he asked excitedly.

"After you finish your breakfast," his mother said as she turned her back to him to start doing dishes. He took a few bites of egg and toast, and said with a full mouth, "How 'bout now?"

"Is that food I see still on your plate?"

"No ma'am," he said, shoveling more food in his mouth and hopping from his chair, causing it to clatter on the floor. As he was yanking his rain boots on, his mother called to him, "Don't play too long. We're going to the movies today, remember?"

"We are? Whatta we watching?! It's not going to be one of those boring black and white movies or one of mommy's kissing movies?"

"No!" His mother shouted back, indignantly.

"You'll see," his father responded with a smile.

"Okay!" The day went by uneventfully, and upon returning home in late afternoon, Bill decided to continue his imaginative games outside.

"Stand down," he said in an authoritative voice, holding a stick in a way a soldier might hold a gun. His dinosaur held a tiny stick in its grasps.

"Bang! Bang!" Bill shouted, kicking dirt at the figurines he had set up.

"Take that, and that!" He continued his dirt storm of terror.

"Get them, Dino," he motioned, picking the dinosaur off the ground and slamming him into a Batman action figure. "We have to take them as prisoners of war, Dino. Let's see...the dirt hole will work. You are under arrest, Captain Terror. You will be forced to stand in this quicksand that also has lava at the bottom." He lined up the army of DC characters he had in the shallow ground. As soon as he stuck Robin's feet into the ground, the clouds began to roll over.

"Aw man, why does it haveta rain again?" Suddenly, the sweat on his forehead froze as if he had been standing in a freezer and his breath became visible. His eyes scurried around as a strong sense of paranoia enveloped him. He watched as a strange woman in a black trench coat with the collar flipped up appeared. Her sleek, red hair blocked her face from view. She was holding onto a chain that had a hound attached to the end of it. Snarling and snapping its jaw, Bill stumbled backwards. The hound continued to pull against the leash as Bill stepped on the stick he had been using as a gun. This caused the ears on the enormous dog to perk up. It turned its eyes to the sound, and Bill saw the glowing red sockets. He watched as the woman turned her head slightly, enough so that a smirk could be seen. She released the chain, allowing the great beast to charge forward. Bill rolled onto his stomach and covered his head with his arms, preparing for the strong bite, but no such attack ever came. As Bill removed his hands, he slowly brought his eyes to the place the woman and her companion had been, but saw nothing. Instead, he smelled what can only be described as dead flesh, moldy cheese, and garlic. It was so pungent, in fact, that Bill began to gag. The surround sounds of the birds stopped. The neighbor watering his garden stopped. The engines of the cars passing by stopped. Bill pushed himself into an upright position as his head turned to the right and then to the left as though it was underwater. A high pitched whistle sounded and continued increasing in pitch until he heard his mother's voice.

"Billy, time to come inside. Billy." For an instance, he felt better, but upon gaining his balance, a blanket of rage overtook the youth. He scrunched his eyebrows together, snarled, and ripped a fence post out of the ground with most of the fence still attached.

"William George, what the hell do you think you're doing?" his mother shouted as she made to approach him.

"Leana, he just ripped a fucking post out of the ground. Unless our kid is taking steroids that's pretty fucking impossible."

"Well, what do you want me to do?! Billy, give me the..." but before she could finish her sentence, the fence piece was a mere three inches from connecting with her face. He continued to swing it wildly with no obvious target.

"Let's get the hell back inside! We can keep an eye on him through the kitchen," his father suggested.

"We can't just leave..." but Bill let out a low growl and attempted to bite Leana's ankle, causing both parents to flee into the safety of their home. They watched as Bill whacked the remaining parts of the fence with his makeshift club. He smacked the large oak tree to the side of their house. He even attempted to smack a stray cat. When he finally seemed to exhaust himself, he flung the fence piece behind him, dropped down to all fours, and started gnawing on the metal mesh that the family had placed in between the fence. After he was through with that, he started convulsing on the ground, stunning his parents who came rushing to his side. As Leana touched her son's forehead to remove the sweat, his erratic movements stopped. Peering up at her with his giant, brown eyes, he whimpered, "Mommy, why did you leave me?"


Monroe, Connecticut 1989

Lorraine ran through the tunnels screaming. "Ed, stop!" Another blow to one of the pillars near Lorraine. She stumbled as pieces fell around her. Scrambling back up, she dodged another strike.

"Ed," she said, nearly out of breath. She fell once more, but could not locate the altar. It should have been right behind her, and yet, it wasn't. She continued to crawl backwards to avoid the sledge hammer blow. All hope drained from her the moment her back brushed up against the underground passage's wall. Ed moved forward with the tool raised about his head.

"Ed, remember me!" Lorraine shouted, but instead of his eyes returning to their nature hue, they glistened with the fogginess of a possessed soul. The hammer came down, aimed right at Lorraine's skull. 

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