Dallon Weekes x reader*

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Summary- Dallon Weeks x reader (technically I didn't use the reader's pronouns at all so it doesn't really matter what gender they are) in a homecoming scenario, in which the reader isn't keen on going.


The very idea of homecoming you found repulsive. I mean come on, stuck with all your sweaty classmates dancing to trash music in the gym, on a Saturday night no less.

There was absolutely no way you were participating this year. See you may have told a little tiny lie when you told your friends Dallon and Ryan that you were, in fact, looking for a date.

You weren't.

Not even a little bit.

Technically you knew of course exactly who you wanted to go with, you just weren't going to ask him. If you went to homecoming at all it would only be if he asked you to go with him. As more than a friend that is. Both him and Ryan had already tried the platonic date thing.

Plus homecoming was in 26.5 hours and school had already finished for the week. Literally almost no way for you to get a date now.

Unless of course a certain someone was currently sitting in his room planning, with the possible help of a certain Ryan Seaman, an absolutely ridiculous grand gesture as his plan to ask you to go with him.

You highly doubted that was happening right now.

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It was exactly one hour before the dance was due to start and you were busy selecting tonight's entertainment from a stack of DVDs.

It shouldn't be anything overly romantic. You wanted a movie that while watching you could scream at the TV about the shitty fighting techniques the actors were displaying onscreen.

Something along the lines of Star Wars should do nicely. However most of the movies involved at least one major couple in the plot, which simply wouldn't do. Maybe a Lord of the Rings movie? Probably the second. That could work. Or you could take an entirely different approach and watch the Martian. You doubted you'd stay awake long enough to watch both. Decisions, decisions.

The door bell rang somewhere downstairs (probably at the door, it was called a doorbell after all) and your mother went to go get it. You heard some quiet talking and tried to make out who it was, your room was on the wrong side of the house so you couldn't exactly look out the window and check.

"Y/N!" Your mom called.

"What?" You yelled back.

"Someone wants to see you!"

You groaned, mumbling about who it had better not be, and made your way down stairs, passing your mom on your way to the door.

At the door stood none other than Dallon Weekes, clutching a bouquet of your favorite flowers in his hands (wearing a button down and dress pants for God's sake! There was even a bow tie.) while looking like he was debating dropping the flowers and making a run for it.

"Hi?" That came out more like a question than a greeting on your part.

"Y/n would you do me the great honor of accompanying me to homecoming this fine evening?" Dallon asked, twitching slightly with nervousness.

"As your platonic pity date?"

"No, Ryan and I were going to be each other's platonic pity dates, but he talked me into doing this last night."

You raised your eyebrows (you didn't ever obtain the skill to raise one at a time).

"So that being said will you consider going with me tonight as my real actual maybe-I'll-get-to-kiss date?" He held out the flowers.

You took them from him, beckoning him inside. On your way up to your room you grabbed a jar from the sink for the flowers and made Dallon sit on your bed while you filled it with water.

"Turn around, I don't want you seeing the outfit yet," you instruct.

Dallon pouts slightly before turning to face the wall opposite your closet.

You rummage through the closet looking for a pair of pants that could maybe pass for dress pants, aka not a pair of black skinny jeans. Near the back you found a discarded pair of, gasp, actual dress pants and quickly add them to your already assembled pile of shirt, bow tie, suspenders, fedora, socks, and combat boots.

This should work. You hurry to the bathroom across the hall and quickly change adjusting your glasses as you look at your reflection in the mirror.

You enter back into your room, standing in the middle feeling slightly self conscious.

"You can turn around," you tell Dallon, who is still facing the wall. 

He does and you watch his eyes visibly widen.

"You look handsome," he blushes when you meet his eyes.

You blush too, looking down to your feet.

The bed creaks as he gets up, walking over to you. He stops directly in front of you and slowly uses a finger to tilt your chin back up so your eyes meet again.

He hesitates for a second, biting his lip, before he speaks, "I was going to wait until I dropped you back off here after the dance but this is way less cliche if I do this now. Can I kiss you?"

You find your self at a loss for words, only managing a quick nod before his lips were on yours.

It wasn't a lustful kiss as kisses sometimes are. This one was sweet, questioning and exploring this new idea of being able to kiss the other person. It was slow and soft, with Dallon's hands cupping around your face and yours gingerly placed on his shoulders.

He pulled away first, keeping his hands holding your face to feel the smile and blush your face now held.

"Shall we?" He asked, removing his hands from where they had been and instead offering you one of them.

You laughed at him, taking his hand with your own.

"Ready for some incredibly horrible music?" You asked him

"Maybe I'll request a song to stop you complaining for a couple minutes."

You make your way downstairs hand in hand. Your mom is waiting in the living room with her phone to take pictures, gush over you both, and undoubtedly congratulate Dallon on his success getting you to leave your room and go socialize.

HOLY FUCK. I thought this whole thing got deleted and I was devastated because I had already finished writing it. Thank god, Satan, Gerard Way that it didn't cause I would've cried.

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