"You should tell her." Sisu told him.

"Um...I think we're in Spine." Boun announced.

They all looked up and saw the thick bamboo forest.

Suddenly, Sisu grabbed a lot of food and leapt off the boat.

"Sisu!" (Y/n) and Ray called after her.

"Hey, my congee!"

"Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back." Ray scowled before grabbing his stuff and he and (Y/n) followed after her.



"Sisu! Come back! Please!" (Y/n) called after her.

"What...What are you doing?" Ray yelled.

"I'm going to show you that you're wrong!" Sisu snapped.

"How? By getting squashed by a bunch of Soine rage-heads?" Ray asked sarcastically.

"No. By proving to you that if you wanna get someone's trust, you have to give a little trust first." Sisu walked up to the big Spine gate and knocked.

"Sisu don't-!"

It was too late. A trap sprung and all three of them were engulfed in a sack, dangling in the air.

"In hindsight, maybe I was a little hasty, but, uh, who's hungry? No? I'll leave you two alone."


The sack was lifted off of them, and all three were tied to gather and dangling from the ceiling.

"(Y/n)?! (Y/n) are you okay?" Ray frantically asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." She replied.

"Okay, where are we?" Ray whispered looking around.

They appeared to be inside a small hut. Ray gasped as he saw his and (Y/n)'s swords laying on a table along with his bag.

"Interesting choice of digs." Sisu commented.

Suddenly, the door flew open and a large man walked into the hut carrying a large axe.

"You three must be sung of brain to think you could steal Spine's Dragon Gem." The man growled.

"Gem? Who said anything about gems? We have no interest in gems." Ray scoffed.

The man dumped out Ray's bag and the three gems toppled out.

"Okay, yeah, I can see how that makes me look like a liar." Ray said.

"Actually, I think it was the lying that made you look like a liar." (Y/n) told him.

The man laughed out loud, which caused Sisu to chuckle nervously. " I'm not sure what's funny."

"You're fear is like delectable nectar feeding the tum-tum of my soul. It's good. Tastes like...mango." He snarled.

Ray and the Last DragonWhere stories live. Discover now