One BIG Family Intro

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George was snapped awake by the feeling of something crawling on his drool filled face. He sits up squealing and brushing his face aggressively with his hand. The boy's eyes widened when he realized that he had fallen asleep out in the field.

The brunet pulled his phone out of his pocket hastily. The clock read six thirty two.

The boy was relieved when he realized it was early enough for him to make it home before his mother even knew he was gone.

He did have to go now though. He had promised his best friend Karl that they would go to the carnival today. George stood up and quickly folded his blanket, throwing it over his arm, the heat rising rapidly.

It was going to be a long day.

The brunet walked slowly towards the parking lot. Once he reached the place he walked over to the only car in the place. His own red honda.

He climbed into the front seat with a heavy sigh, throwing the blue blanket into the passenger seat. The brunet started his ten minutes journey back home.

Once he pulled into his driveway, he grabbed the blanket once again and climbed out of the front seat. He locked his car with a quick beep praying that his mother was still sleeping. The boy walked around the side of the house, towards his window. It was one of the perks of living on the first floor of the house.

He climbed through his open window easily. The brunet turned around and closed it, throwing his blanket onto the bed afterward.

George sighed as he patted his shirt, clearing the invisible dirt. "Hey George,"

The brunet practically jumps out of his skin at the voice. He looks over to see his younger sister; Gina sitting at his desk spinning back and forth.

"Um. Hi Gina." The brunet replies with a heavy swallow. "Does mom know you were gone?" She asks sweetly, but George knew she was plotting something.

"Uh, no?" He says carefully. "Well, Mom would be sooo upset if she found out you were sneaking out to go see your secret boyfriend." The brunet girl says with a smirk on her face.

"What do you want me to do?" The taller boy groans just wanting this to get over with.

"Well tell me where you went, and I'll think about not telling mom, or any of the others." The girl says standing up and putting her finger on George's shoulder, slowly dragging it down to his elbow.

"I went to the field and I star gazed, but I didn't mean to fall asleep." The brunet replies, taking another heavy gulp. If Gina were to tell the other kids the word would spread to their parents fast.

"Wait, really?" The girl loses her intimidating voice and her expression softens exponentially.

"Yeah, What else would I be doing?" George asks, rolling his eyes playfully. "Oh damn. I honestly thought you out at some party hooking up with some guy." Gina responds with a light chuckle.

"Well I wasn't so, get out of my room, I wanna change and go to the carnival with Karl." The brunet says with a huff and a cross of his arms.

"By the way, Mom said she wants to talk to you, I was sent to get you and you weren't here so. Bye loser." The girl says flipping her hair aggressively, and walking out of the bedroom leaving the door wide open.

"Ughhh NOOO!" Loud screaming came from down the hall. It was probably his little brother playing fortnite again.

"You're the loser." George mumbled before closing his door and quickly changing into a blue tee and some jean shorts.

He walked quickly out of his room up the stairs and into his mother's bedroom. When he walked into the room her, and her boyfriend were laying on the bed intimately. Oh how he wished he could have someone to lay like that with.

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